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incurred by any Customer lndemnitee, as the result of a third parry claim that Caremark, its officers, directors, <br />employees, agents, successors, or assigns acted with negligence, willfully, and/or in violation of applicable standazds of <br />care, provided that the Customer Indemnitee has acted in a manner that is consistent with this Agreement, the Consumer <br />Cazd Program and applicable standazds of care. However, aothiug in this Agreement is to be constmed as a waiver of <br />govermnental immunity as offered by the court or state law. <br />6.4 Comptlance with Law. Customer and Member County will comply with all Laws applicable to its <br />prescription drag benefit plan, including without limitation insurance licensing, antitrusk consumer protection, and any <br />other Laws that may apply. Caremazk has no responsibility to advise Member County or Customer about the <br />applicability of or compliance with any applicable Law including, without limitation, HIPAA, the Employee Retirement <br />Income Security Act, or the Americans with Disabilities Act. <br />Cazemazk will cottlply with all Laws applicable to it and to the Services it provides under this Agreement. Member <br />County and Customer have no responsibility to advise Cazetrlazk regazding its compliance wilt any applicable Law. <br />Effective as of Sepkmber 8, 2005, each party certifies that it shall not violate the federal anti-kickback statute, set forth <br />at 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b(b) ("Anti-Kickback Statute"), or the federal "Stark Law," net forth at 42 U.S.C. § 1395mm <br />("Stark Law"), with respect to the performance of its obligations under this Agreer~nt. Further, Caremark shall ensure <br />that individuals meeting the definition of "Covered Persons" (as such term is defined m the Corporate Integrity <br />Agreement between the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services and <br />AdvancePCS) shall comply with Caremazk's Compliance Program, including training related to the Anti-Kickback <br />Statute and the Stark Law. In additiork Caremazk's Code of Conduct and policies and procedures on the And-Kickback <br />Statute and Stark Law maybe accessed a[ httD•//www Caremark com/wos/rwrtaU s I55/3370?crna=CMS-2-007764. <br />6.5 Change in Law. The parties will attempt to equitably adjust the terms of this Agreement to take into <br />account any Change in Law or any material change in drag industry practice that materially alters the rights or <br />obligations of either party under this Agreeaunt. Lr the parties are unable to agree upon an equitable adjustment within <br />sixty days after either party notifies the other of such a Change in Law or materiel change in drag i~uatry practice, this <br />Agreement will automatically terminate. <br />6.6 Limitations. In no event shall eidrer parry be liable to the other party, nor shall Caremazk be liable to <br />any Participant for any indirect, special, or consequential damages or lost profih, arising out of or reffited to <br />performance of this pgreetnent or a breach of this Agreement, even if advised of the possibility of such damages or lost <br />profits. <br />Caremark does not direct or exercise any wntrol over the professional judgment exercised by any pharmacist in <br />dispensing prescriptions or otherwise providing pharmaceutical related services at a Participating Pharmacy. <br />Participating Pharmacies are independent contractors, not subcontractors or agents of Caremark and Caremazk shall <br />have no liability to Member County or Customer for a claim arising out of any act or omission of any Participating <br />Pharmacy or its agents or employees. <br />Caremazk shall be entitled to rely on Fast Data Bank, Medi-Span or any other nationally available repotting service of <br />pharmaceutical prices selected by Caremark w determine AWP for purposes of establishing the pricing provided to <br />Custorr~r under thin Agreement. Customer acknowledges that Caremazk does not establish AWP, and Caremark shall <br />have no liability to Customer arising from the use of First DataHank, Medi-Span or any other nationally available <br />repoting service. Customer acknowledges that if the reporting source for determining Customer's AWP should not <br />continue to support AWP, Customer shall cooperate with Caremark to negotiate the pricing hereunder to maintain the <br />parties' respective economic position under this Agreement as of the Effective Date. <br />7. TERM AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. <br />7.1 Term. Tltis Agreement is for an initial term of three years from the Effective Date, through May 14, <br />2011, (the "Inltlal Term"), and will automatically continue in effect for successive one yeaz terms thereafter, subject to . <br />the remaining provisions of this Section. <br />7.2 Termination. This Agreement maybe temtinated as follows: <br />NACo k4 v3 dac (3lL/08) IRxClaiml Page 7 of 14 <br />This document contains proprietary information of Caremark, and may not be wed for any purpwe other Than m evaluate entering into a relationship <br />with Caremark, nor may it be duplicated or disclosed [a othm for any purpose. r~ 4 <br />