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The county seat is Concord, North CaroNna, Cabarrua <br />EMS handles approximately 17.500 calls annua~r. <br />Cabarrus EMS pn'~ldea the primary paramedic coverage for the county, 24 hours per day. Current staging of the <br />system is maintained at fi paramedic transport unibs,1 EMT Mtermediate non-emergency units and 1 supervisor in a quids <br />response vehide. Puna have been approved to add a tenth paramedic unit in January 2006. All 919 calls are handled by <br />Cabamas EMS. Local fire departments and rescue squads provide first responder coverage. There is also one EMT i <br />provider and flue EMT A providers with local tiro deparbner>ra and rescue squads that provide back up transport to the <br />service when the system becomes taxed. Cabamas EMS non-emergency division hands the non-ernergent and <br />scheduled calls for the Courtly. CMC-Northeast Sped'aRy Care Transports handles critical cans transports. <br />Cabanaas EMS la part of the total emergency response plan for the county. <br />AN 911-calla are routed to EMD opara~#ors ~ Cabanas Caarriy Sheriffs t]epartment. Local first responder agencies are <br />'dispatched on aft emergency c~ia, -with Csbarrus EMS respondkrg as the primary pariamedicJemergency provider. Local <br />rescue squads and fire departments provide for extrication and lire suppression. <br />Critical care transports are routed to CMC-Northeast via a separate phone number for transfer. Tire Specialty Care <br />'Transport Service has a primary role of critical care transports; however, they will be utilized as part of the special haaarda <br />response plan to shuttle medications and physicians to the scene in the event of a terrorist or hazardous materi~s ac#. <br />Primary air senrice is provided by Carolina's Maritsa! Center. - <br />CMG-Northeast is the primary recfp~nt of patients within oar service area and maintak-a deafgnation as a i.avei iti trauma <br />center. They will receive routine orientation to system operatbns. <br />Cabarrus EMS peroonnei ors involved in a variety of practice settings to ~clude Disaster Responses Teams, Tactical <br />Medics, HazMat Merl, Special Hazarcls Response Team, Disaster Medical Unit, STORM Team, Structural Collapse, <br />Water Rescue, public erclucetion, and oommun#y awareness. <br />Additional ir>formation about the agearcy can be found at <br />The EMS System Response Tooi Kit effectively identified several key areas In which ir~rovemer#t could be-possible with <br />the ski of {front Handing thrntrgh this program. The needs are identified in the section below to include the impact, plan, and <br />application. ABhough currerrf policies exist for some of nscomrrrer~ed target areas, process and iogisticai improvement can <br />be made. T~+ro target potfdes are currently not in place and wl~ be implemenbsd. The aid of the grant funding is cxucial in <br />the implementation and improvement of the five target arses. The 1~111S system has made potentla! adjustment in areas elf <br />need and can further make recommended changes with grant funding. <br />1) ~spatch Center Time Potfcy: Na pof~y I$ currently In piece for this target. The EMS System Response Toai Kit <br />recomrrrarrds the irr~tementation e)f Chia p0#icy. Research for beat piAe:tlCe of implementation with the EMS System <br />Res~nae Tooi Kit wilt be performed with anttcipatfon of policy implementation "80 second or leas" dispatch on emergency <br />EMS VVI(hheels Rolling (Chute Time) Policy: Currently a poftcy addressing this target is found in the County EMS Standard <br />aerating Gufdeiirte. Curren pviicy is a daytime chute trtrte of 80 seconds or less with nighttime chafe of 3 minutes or <br />s. Additional improvement is required to Improve compliance and tracking. Grant funding will enable this process after <br />st practices are identified with the EMS System Response Tool Kit. <br />EMS Tum Around Tfrne Policy: Currently no policy exists other than a generalized guideline of minimizing dawn lime at <br />splh-1 in eNdelr to return to servk:e. A policy is expected to be Implemented with grant funding after best practice is <br />ntifled utilizing the EMS System Response Tool Kit. EM3 unite are dispatched into zones of res~ns~flfty for sags. the <br />seat unit for the service is known ff all EMS units are in quarters, however, our units are frequently involved in calls, <br />run at the hospital, or returning from assignments. Grant funding w1A enable mobile mapping and autornattc vehicle <br />slots to improve the response to calls. identiiSr dosest unit for service, identify unfts that are listed as out of service, <br />ntify unit loca#fotta, improve tam around time in that the cbsest unit may actually be inlransitian from a zone rather than <br />ng out of service until back in the primary response area. <br />EMS Vehide Malnterrence Plan: A plan is currently in place utilizing a County maintenance department. This plan will <br />evaluated for efficiency utilizktg the findings of the Tao! Kit, Currently, the agency is experience significant down <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 216 of 237 <br />