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Project Narratiae {Continued} <br />es of ambulances due to Ford mechanical issues. Grant ftrrtding will enable appropriate changes based upon findings. <br />EMS Documentation and Dafa Completion Policy, A policy is in place regarding this target, however, signtikant areas <br />improvement have been identified. Currently, the agency uses 5weatsott as a third party vendor to submit information <br />~ the Premix system. The Taoi Kit fdentitied a significant discrepancy in the information being received. Major and iong• <br />n decisions will be difficult td make utilizing tits EMS System Response Tooi Kit without upgrades In our local reporting <br />~Ceas as much data la being excluded from use in the Toof Kit due to corruption. Our intent with the grant fundktg Is to <br />ratify areas of potential improvement with the Sweetsoft program or transition to EMS Charts for reporting. This waif <br />able more accurate completion and exporting of data into the Premix system while allowing for more timely cwmpteiiat of <br />a. Currently, policy requires our medics to complete patient care reports Immediabaty upon termination of the coil, <br />Mauer, this data is often not exported in a timely manner due m issues with the process. Plans are also fn place to install <br />bite routers in ambulances to improve turn around tune and Improve data corrtpletbn time by allowing for printing of <br />;lent care reports bads to the hospital when retuming to an area and alfowMg for a rapid data link of material for export or <br />b import. <br />Intended appltcatbn of gnat funding based on EMS System Response Tool tCit <br />Monitor, develop, and further refine the Dispatch Canter Time Policy <br />Further develop, mort#or, and maintain compl~nce of EMS.Chute Ttme Poky of ~ seconds or less. <br />} pevebp, monitor, and modHy the EM8 Turnaround 'rune Policy. grant funding will enable mobile mapping and <br />utomatio vehicle locators bo impnwe the response to ceps, identify closest unit for service, identify units that are listed as <br />gut of service, identify unit locations, Improve turn around time in that the closest unit may actually be Fn transition from a <br />one ranter than being out of service until back in the primary response any. <br />~} Further develop, monitor, and modify the EMS Vehicle Malntertance Plar <br />~) Further develop, monitor, and modify the EMS Documentation and Data Completion Policy. Identify areas of potential <br />nprovement with current software or transition to EMS Charts for foil reporting to enable full Premix corrp~liance and <br />opulation ~ ail fields ~ the Gold Standard, install mobNe routers in ambulances to improve turnaround time and improve <br />Isla submission by avowing prirrting ~ patient care r9eparrts back io the hospital from remote location and afCant for rapkl <br />ransmfsslon of Premix data m state. <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 217 of 237 <br />