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(3erierate jour EMS System's Response Time Toolkit, with a date range of;ianuary 1, 2007 through <br />July 31, 2007.. in the space provided, describe how this protect will positively impact your Tooikit's <br />measurements J results in the future. <br />e EMS System Response Time Too! Kit is an excellent instrument to use for the evaluation and improvement of po}icy <br />d process. Our tool kit informatlan yields some excellent findings and recommendations. The abilities of the current tool <br />are Narked to some extent due to in(orrnation being imported into Premis from our tx#mmercial v®ndor. The abtlkies wfii <br />prove with additional process and poky improvement in reporting throt,rgh our: commercial vendor (or transtttori to a new <br />1}Dispatch Center Time Policy: The EMS System Response Tool Kit reveals a Cabarrus County average of 21 seconds in <br />regards ~ dispatch time (call received to dispatch). This corr~~es to s state average of 1.11 mutes arrcl to systems of <br />similar sire 2.09 minutes. The EMS System Response Tooi Kik makes no recommendation, however, a Dtspatah Center <br />Policy wiN be placed In accor+darxe wNh with program recommendations. <br />EMS Wheels Roliing (Chute Thnej: The EMS System Response Tool K(t reveals a Cabamrs County average chute time <br />5.09 minutes. Tha state average ~ 2.06 with systems of sirr>ilar size demonstrating a 1.31 minute average. Pendkrg <br />>ding, Cabarrus EMS vWN further develop and monitor compliance a policy estabilshing 90 seconds or less) as the time <br />~ndard for the EMS Unit to be enroute af6ar notific~fon by the Dispatch Center. As a component of this policy, <br />mmunicatlmis equ~ament wilt be checked and maintained to decrease the possibility of failures. Addlt(orrally, personnel <br />f be requir~l to stay ready b respond and mechanisms will be established for times to be documented accurately <br />} EMS Turn Around Tirrte: Tha EMS System Response Toot Kit r+eVeats Cabarrus Cou-~ty with an average bads In service <br />me of 22 minutes and an s~erage back in arealhome time of 45 m~utea compared to the state average of 32 minutes and <br />3 minutes respeativety. Systems of aknifar size respedivety record ~ minutes and 8 minutes. This demonstralea art area <br />r need of improvement. Thy analysis can pravMe ins~ht into prolonged EMS Back In Servk~e Time that can !n turn <br />nprorre Total EMS Caif Times which aNow EMS Units to be bads ir1 service and available for the next EMS everd k- a <br />core timely manner. Having an EMS unit ready and available for the next EMS event is one of the first steps to a timely <br />t1AS System Response. By receiving this ln~rveMion. the EMS System Response Toolkit determined that the 90°k Fractlie <br />IMS Back In Service Tima is a# least 110% of the State 90% FracNle EMS f3adc In Service Time. !n simpler terms, the EMS <br />'adt !n Service Time was 1.1 times longer than the State Back !n Service Time. <br />'actors associated with prolonged EMS Back in 5ervit:e Times include: 1) j the primary hospital or destinatbn cannot <br />crept the patient in a timely mariner aUowing the EMS txaw to reatadc and go back into service ~ F,.MS Grew access ~ <br />qulprrrent and supplies leads to an increased EMS,Back in Service Time 3) Cleaning or preparing the EMS unit requires a <br />rnger period of time 4) No formal policy has been created or implemented highNghting the expedat(ans of the EMS System <br />1th respect to EMS Bads In Service Times. Cabarrus EMS wfii atbsmpt to implement the follouving plan of actbn: l) Work <br />1th the local hospital($) wNhin the EMS Systems service area to promote a timely hand~f of the patient 6a <br />Ilow the EMS crew to improve they Back In Service Time, 2j Establish a plan and policy for EMS Bads In Service Time <br />xpectations. 3) Work to streamline and knprove the restocking of equipment and supplies after an EMS event <br />ERAS Vehicle Maintenance Plan: The EM3 System Response Kit did not specifically fdentifjr issues or recormnendetfons <br />3 to areas identified !n the Documentation and Data Section. It appears our current process or software has not <br />nmunicated delays in regards to mec~ranical issues. A vehicle maintenance plan is in place within the local systems as <br />ntified in the sedlon above. <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 218 of 237 <br />