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{Continued frs;m Previous Page) .. ~" ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "~~ <br />Documentation and Data Comp~tian Dian: Data completkm and documentation also have an impact an Tum Around <br />te. Multipie areas reflect lack of full adherence to Premis data paint subm~slon. In many areas, only a email amount•af <br />tisnt care reports are used as the sample to evaluate targets due to corrupt data. Potential causes are Identified as: 1) <br />flS penaonnel era not documenting information for the data element(s) within AreMiS or commercial software <br />stem. 2) The EMS System commercial software system does not include the data elmtent(s) to its sys6am; therefore, the <br />orrnatian cannot be collected by EMS personnel. 3) The EMS 3yst3ems commercial software systedn inchides the data <br />anent{s) and data is being entered into the software by EMS personnel but the XML flte beir~ generates! by the software <br />impart data into PreMIS does not include the data element. Cabarrus EMS wUi attempt to take the following actions: 1) <br />locate EMS personnel and monitor their documentation practices to make sure every data element is completed within <br />eMiS acid EMS Systems documentation system. 2) if 9re problem resides In the EMS Sweetsoft, we will wank wfth the <br />nslor to add the data element or correct the XML impart error. Additionally, consideration wilE be given to transftion to a <br />w vendor, potentially EMS Charts, it rsconcUiation is not made. <br />tta Element EMS System Completbn Rate State Compietion Rate <br />iAP Caft Date 100% 80°!0 <br />lAP CaN Time 100% 8096 ~ . <br />iii Notified by Dispatch Oate 100% 100% • <br />ift Notffied by Dispatch Ttme 10096 90096 <br />rit En Route Dats/Time 100% 90% <br />rft Arrived ~ Scene DaieiTtme 100% 88% <br />rived at Patient DatelTime 8796 88Y° <br />Unit Left Scene Date/Time 8896 834/0 <br />Patient Arrived at Destination DatelTime ~ 86°~ ~ 72°!0 <br />Unit Bans in Service Date/Time 700% 93% <br />Unit Gancelled Date11'ime < 1 % 79'0 <br />Unit Bads ~ Home Location Date/'1'ime 3% 2886 <br />Type of Response Delay 3% 27°/b <br />Type of Serene Delay 2696 28% <br />Type of Transport Delay 3% 19% <br />Beginning odometer Reading of Responding 100°Ib 70°10 <br />On-Scene Odometer Reading of Responding 10096 86% <br />Pafienf Destination Odometer Reading 100% 8786 <br />Response Made to Scene 100% 10096 <br />type of Servisre Requested 1009'0 100'6 <br />Incident Address 9796 83% <br />Incident City 98% 87% <br />Incidenf County 93°~ 81% <br />incident State 100% 100% <br />incideitit ZIP Cade 9796 89% <br />Possigie Mjury 80% 81 °,6 <br />Chief Camplakt# Organ Sy8#em 396 1196 <br />Other Associated Symptoms 88°~ 3446 <br />Chief Complaint Anatomic Location 1% 9'9'0 <br />Primary Roie of the Unit 10096 100% <br />InddsntLacatian'rype 94°~ 7095 , <br />Complaint Reported aY Dispatch 9146 51% <br />EMD Card Number 096 27% <br />E.stknated DatelTime Initial ResponderA < 1% 3% <br />Number of Patients at Scene 3°~ 709'° <br />Mass Casualty incident 104% 889'0 <br />Ghief Complaint 99% 68% <br />AicohoVDrug Use Indicators < 1°l0 1895 <br />Cause of injury < 1% 4% <br />Cardiac Arrest Etiology ~ < 19`0 396 <br />Destlnat(oM'ransferred To, Name 78°k 80% <br />Incident/Patient Disposition 104% 100% <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 219 of 237 <br />