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If.awarded, how wfli your EMS System assure that all grant proposal tasks and deliverables wip be <br />completed in the .1'anuary 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008 timeline? <br />~e project coordinator is assigned as the Assistant [)hector, Alan Thompson. The project rroordinator will closely monitor <br />~te research, recommendation, and imptementatian of ~a live target policies. The process will be one of on-going qualky <br />management and will be further evatuatad and monitored through the EMS Quality Management Committee. Primary, <br />ucountability for all projects nam~ns with the project coortiiir~a#or. CaMir~ent upon grant approval, a detailed #ime line wiN <br />~e devebped to monitor and implement proposed necammendatbns. <br />projected completion dates are as follows: <br />j Review current policies of EMS Wheels Rplling (chute time), EMS Vehicle Maintenance, and EMS Documentation and <br />late submission and rr~ke modifications ~ deemed necessary. (1-31-08) <br />Develop a Dispatch Center Tine Policy (1~1-08) <br />,j Develop a revised Chute Time Poky (Z-28.08) <br />Purchae of requlrod equipment (2-28-08} <br />Devebp a Tum Around Time Policy (3-31-08) <br />Review and rrwdify Maintenance Plan Policy (2-28-08j <br />j Review, develop, and modhy Documentat~n and ©ata Compiefbn Polfcy {3-31-08). <br />Train s~ staff on new and modified poAcies and equipment (3.31.08) <br />} ]mplem~tt ail new and changed policies and equipment (41-08} . <br />0} Monitor compliance and Improvements with all 5 potkies (AprU -September 2008) <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 220 of 237 - <br />