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PIEDMONT AREA MENTAL HEALTH, <br />DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE AUTHORITY <br />SCHEDULE OF FINDINGS AND QUESTIONED COSTS <br />JUNE 30, 2006 <br />Section I - Summary of Auditors' Results <br />Financial Statements <br />Type of auditors' report issued: Unqualified <br />Internal control over financial reporting: <br />• Material weakness(es) identified? _ yes X no <br />• Reportable condition(s) identified <br />that are not considered to be material weaknesses? _ yes X no <br />Noncompliance material to financial statements <br />noted? yes X no <br />Federal Awards <br />Internal control over major federal programs: <br />Material weakness(es) identified? _ yes X no <br />• Reportable condition(s) identified <br />that are not considered to be material weaknesses? _ yes X no <br />Noncompliance material to financial statements noted? _ yes X no <br />Type of auditors' report issued on compliance for major federal programs: Unqualified. <br />Any audit findings disclosed that are <br />required to be reported in accordance <br />with Section 510(a) of Circular A-133? X yes _no <br />Identification of major federal programs: <br />CFDA Numbers Names of Federal Program or Cluster <br />93.959 Block Grant for Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse <br />93.958 Block Grant for Mental Health Services <br />The above programs are tested as part of a state identified unit cost cluster. <br />Dollar threshold used to distinguish <br />between Type A and Type B Programs $ 300.000 <br />Auditee qualified as low-risk auditee? X yes _no <br />continued <br />(36) <br />~~ . l~ <br />