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PIEDMONT AREA MENTAL HEALTH, <br />DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE AUTHORITY <br />SCHEDULE OF EXPENDITURES OF FEDERAL AND STATE AWARDS <br />JUNE 30, 2006 <br />Federal Awards <br />U.S. Department of Housino anc(,Urban Development <br />Shelter Plus Care Program: 14.238 <br />Total U.S. Department df Housing and Urban Development <br />U.S. Decartment of Health and Muman Services <br />Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration <br />Passed-through the N.C. Dept; of Health and Human Services: <br />Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities <br />and Substance Abuse Services: <br />Perinatal and Maternal Substance Abuse Initiative 93.959 <br />SVCS to IV Drug Users 93.959 <br />Mental Health Cluster <br />Block Grant for Community Mental Health Services 93.958 <br />Social Service Block Grant' 93.887 <br />- Other <br />Total Mental Health Cluster <br />Substance Abuse Servicgs,Cluster <br />Block Grant for Prevention-and Treatment <br />of Substance Abuse <br />Total Substance Abuse Services Cluster <br />Total U.S. Department of Health and Human Services <br />Total Federal Awards arM1d State Matches <br />State Awards <br />N. C. Department of Health 2nd Human Services <br />Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities <br />and Substance Abuse Services: <br />General Program Services,' <br />Multidisciplinary Evaluation <br />Total Division of Mental:Health, Developmental Disabilities <br />and Substance Abus9 Services: <br />Total State Awards <br />Total Federal and State~Awards <br />93.959 <br />Federal State <br />Expenditures Expenditures <br />$ 55,539 $ - <br />55,539 - <br />39,818 - <br />51,483 - <br />472,983 - <br />10,398 - <br />- 21,723 <br />483,381 21,723 <br />474,176 - <br />474,176 - <br />1,048,658 21,723 <br />1,104,197 21,723 <br />- 32,287,408 <br />- 2,200 <br />32,269,608 <br />- 32,291,331 <br />$ 1,104,197 $ 32,291,331 <br />(39) <br />G-y <br />