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PBH Local Business Plan 2007 <br />Executive Summary: Expressions of Appreciation <br />Through the development of our 2007 Local Business Plan, we have taken the time to conduct the self <br />assessment delineated in this document. The improvements we have identified follow in our Goals for 2007- <br />2010. We are grateful to the members of our PBH Local Business Plan Oversight Committee for their time, <br />insight, and support of our efforts. We appreciate the sincere feedback that we have received from our <br />stakeholders and pledge to use it to improve ourselves as well as services to consumers and families. <br />Our providers are our front line. Our achievements would be largely incomplete without the competence, <br />commitment and perseverance that they have brought to our table. <br />We also want to thank Carmen Hooker Odom, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human <br />Services for this opportunity and for believing we could be successful; without her support, we would not <br />have had this chance. The Division of Medical Assistance and the Division of Mental Health, Developmental <br />Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services have provided key resources to make this Demonstration possible. <br />They have been wonderful collaborators and their support has played an essential role in our success to date. <br />PBH has enjoyed the unfailing confidence of a Board of Directors that was willing to be on the'~cutting edge". <br />No doubt, this endeavor was a calculated risk. The Leadership and Staff at PBH are grateful for and <br />continually strengthened by this support. <br />Our Local Elected Officials and Legislative Delegation have been hopeful, understanding when there were <br />problems, and always there cheering us on. One of our goals was to demonstrate how public policy can be <br />implemented on a local/regional level. As elected representatives of the citizens of our counties, their role is <br />to set the direction, establish the public policy. Our part has been to carry it out. We are proud of the role <br />that we have played in this continuum of government and we believe that we have been largely successful in <br />achieving the vision that was established in the System Reform Legislation of 2001. <br />The PBH Demonstration <br />March 1, 2007 <br />Multi-county Area Programs are political subdivisions of the State of North Carolina established and operating <br />in accordance with NC General Statute 122C (G.S. 122C-116). The Secretary of the North Carolina <br />Department of Health and Human Services is charged with the administration and enforcement of General <br />Statute 122C (G.S.-112.1), which specifies the legal responsibilities, and authority of Area Programs regarding <br />the provision of community services (G.S. 122C-117). General Statute 122C also specifies the role and <br />responsibilities of county governments in determining the governance structure and developing Boards of <br />Directors to manage Area Programs. The State Plan requires Area Programs to be certified as Local <br />Management Entities through State approval of the Local Business Plan (G.S. 122C-115.2). <br />Piedmont was certified by the Department of Health and Human Services as an LME, effective July 1, 2003. <br />We subsequently divested of all directly operated services, with the exception of case management and <br />focused our efforts on developing the requisite competencies of a public sector Managed Care Organization. <br />These competencies include the capacity to manage financial risk for defined population(s), the management <br />of defined benefit plans and all of the normal functions of a Managed Care Organization, i.e. network <br />development, provider relations, rate setting, access to care, enrollee services, care coordination, <br />authorization of services, utilization management, claims adjudication and payment, management of <br />medical/loss ratio, quality improvement targets, and meeting established performance indicators. <br />~, <br />