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PBH Local Business Plan 2007 <br />We have reengineered ourselves, "built the airplane" so to speak, "while we were flying it"! This has not <br />been easy. We have weathered a storm of chaos and instability that wreaked havoc across North Carolina, <br />and while we have not been insulated from its effects, we have been able to keep on course. <br />Our accomplishments over the past four years Include: <br />1. We maintained Continuity of Care for 20,000 consumers during divestment of services in 2003 <br />and 2004. <br />2. We have developed a 501c-3 agency that is operating successfully over five counties and <br />provides essential safety net services to the citizens of our counties. This report includes an in <br />depth assessment of DAYMARK Recovery Services in the context of this system transformation. <br />3. We have developed other providers of community mental health services so that consumers have <br />a choice of DAYMARK Recovery Services or at least one other provider in each county. These <br />new providers are small, but are continuing to grow. We have a wide range of choices of <br />providers for consumers for most all services. <br />4. We successfully divested over $30 million dollars in directly operated services for both PBH and <br />the former Davidson County Area Mental Health Program. <br />5. PBH supported the development of a strong and independent Consumer Family Advisory <br />Committee that has taken a leadership role in advocating for the needs of consumers across <br />Cabarrus, Davidson, Rowan, Stanly and Union counties. <br />6. We have developed numerous forums for communication, collaboration and stakeholder <br />involvement in system planning and management including: <br />a. The PBH Consumer Family Advisory Committee <br />b. The PBH Network Advisory Council (for PBH Providers) <br />c. Five county level Advisory Councils <br />d. A Global Continuous Quality Improvement Committee that involves consumers, providers and <br />PBH staff <br />e. A Clinical Advisory Committee that oversees clinical interventions and best practices in service <br />delivery <br />7. We have a strong focus on the development of affordable housing for people with disabilities and <br />put together a Regional Housing Continuum of Care that was successful in obtaining HUD funding <br />grants the first year of operations. <br />8. We have become electronic! Over 98% of our claims for services from providers are submitted <br />electronically and we can pay providers with electronic fund transfers, provide electronic <br />remittance advices. We have automated numerous administrative functions, which results in <br />greater efficiency and better management of public resources. <br />9. We have conducted extensive and ongoing outreach to the community. We have sponsored a <br />major Person Centered Planning Conference for consumers and families to heighten awareness of <br />Recovery and Empowerment. Additionally, we hosted a Cultural Competency Conference that <br />brought in national experts to speak on the importance of culture in the recovery and <br />Independence of people with disabilities. <br />10. We have successfully managed the growth of Medicaid for Mental Health, Developmental <br />Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services within our counties, not by denying care to consumers, <br />but through the ievelopment of a highly organized system of services which we operate using <br />managed care strategies. <br />Most imoortantly. we have developed the capacity, competence, and infrastructure to achieve <br />the goals outlined in our Local Business Plan for 2007-2010. <br />G ~'~ <br />