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May 30 and June 4, 2007 <br />Independent Tribune <br />and <br />May 31 and June 7, 2007 <br />The Charlotte Observer "Cabarrus Neighbors" <br />~egaf Ads J <br />~ <br />~~ <br />~,~ <br />~~~w~ <br />: c+n+m~: county~eoara or <br />~ CoihmbsbMR;Mae. <br />~ Cammisfbners Maetlnp.Rdpm,~ Fldw ~ <br />65 Clwrch SL 4F, ConearA, NC 2C036 <br />MoMay..luM lBth, 3U07 6 630 PM ~~ <br />~~VUBLIC NFJIRING ~ ~ . <br />,C2007~041T~Proposed text~~~amendment to- <br />ChapSer 13;.Section 13'12;ZOneGhange.Filing ~ <br />'. ~Procedures,; Tezt changcqsimincorporate atl~ <br />'tllbonal nuHting standartls: For ,rezonmg~ peti- <br />dionsthatlnclutle$Orormoreparcelg ~ <br />C300705ZT~ProOOSetl tegLamentlment ta Ap-~ <br />~yendix. 'A, Typicaf .Street Stantl~rtls. :-Text- <br />.thange is fonstreet typicals to-Geamendetl for~ <br />-consistency;~viith~NC00T and' Ciry~ of Coqcortl <br />~~'`street tlesign;stantlartls. ~~ ; ~ . <br />~/you have any questi5ns regartling these~peti~ <br />bans"please'contact~theCabarN3-CauntyCOm~ ~ <br />-' 'merce DepSrtmen~ at 704~920-2141:• <br />~ VUBl15N: . WWneaAay May 304i~a~M MonUay <br />. -~u.~.. om._ ~ . .. . <br />~~~ ;, <br />~~ <br />-caeareus counry Bo,re <br />ofC m oriera.Meeling <br />~ Commuaionerv ~ <br />Meeting.ROOm, 0ntl Flaar <br />~65CM1UrcM1SLSE, . <br />Conc9b. NC 28026 <br />Montlay, June 1B~M1, Y00] <br />@ 6:30 FM <br />~ ~PUBLIC HEPNING ~ ' <br />C200]-OC-2FProposetl text <br />enOmenl to CM1ap~er 13. <br />Seclo 13t2 Z e C~ange <br />Fi~ing G oceU . Texl c0arge <br />m m ~corporete aaenional raoc <br />inq s~antlartls lor rezonorgmeii~ <br />tioris ma~ induae 50 ore <br />oarcels. <br />C200~-05-Z~-Proposed text <br />amentlment lo Appeneix A, <br />Typicaf SVeet SlanOarOS. - Tex~ <br />cnange is lor slree~ rypicals to Ee <br />amewee~ ior mnsisrenq wim <br />NCDOT ana Ciry~ ot Concom <br />sVaetGesgn.s~anaartls. <br />n yoo na.e a~y a~esuo~s <br />regarEing IM1ese pelitions 0lease <br />contact me Gaoa~ros Coumy <br />Commerce ~eparlmant a~ ]Oa~' <br />s20219i. <br />NT5W41>3 <br />v - I <br />