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,, <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />. <br />. <br />with the value of personal property investments being considered for a period of three (3) <br />consecutive years in determining value for grant calculation purposes. The beginning date <br />for grant calculatio~ls is to be the date of useful occupancy and/or production startup. <br />Corporate headquarters is definod as the location of the center ofthe company's opezations <br />including the main offices for its managoment and administrative officers. <br />Level 1 grant - a grant award based upon a projecYs estimated tax revenue goneration value, <br />calculated to equate to approximately 65% of the value of teal and personal property tax` <br />, revenue value anticip'ated to be genareted by the project. Tho value for reat property <br />investments shall be calculated bassd on a pariod of four (4) consecutive yeazs with the value <br />of personal property investments being considered for a period of three (3) consecutivo yeazs <br />in determining value for grant calculation purposes, The beginning date for grant <br />catcnlations is to be the date of useful occupancy and/or production startup. <br />Lavel 2 grant - a grant award based upon a projecYs estimated tax revenue generation <br />value, to be calculated to equate to approximaCely 70% of the value of real and parsonal <br />property tax revenue value anticipated to ba generated by the project. The value for real <br />property investments shall be calculated based on a geriod of four (4} consecutive yeazs <br />with the value of personal property investments being considered for a period of three (3) . <br />consecutive years in determining value for grant calculation purposes. The beginning <br />datc for grant calculations is to be tkia date of useful occupancy az~d/or production staRup. <br />Level 3 grant - a~ant award based upon the project's estimated tax revenue generation <br />value, to be calculated to equate to approximately 75% of the value of ieal and personal <br />property tax revenue value anticipated to be generated by the project, The.value for real <br />property investments shall be calculated based on a period of four (4) consecutive yeata with <br />the value of personal. property investments being considorod for a period o£ three (3) <br />consecutive years in determining value for grant calculation purposes. The beginning date <br />for grant calculationa is to be the date of useful ocoupancy and/or production startup, <br />Corporate Headquartors Facility Lease Provision. - Projocts meeting all of the critaria <br />requiied for one of the grant level catagorias notad above, but involving.tha lease of a new <br />building to be constructed for a corporate headquarters rather than direct ownership, may be <br />grant eligibte under oerEain conditions. In such instances, the owner of the building to be , <br />constructed shall be responsible for providing documentadon showing the estimatod new tax <br />revenue goneration value for the building and pormanent Fixtures, plus any eligible new <br />personal property of the lessee Shat will generate ta~c revenue: The owner shall also be <br />raqu'ued to provide a copy of the proposed lease with the prospective company that <br />demonstrates it is at lqast five (5) years in length. If a grant is awarded, it will tie conditioned <br />upon tho owner of the building and tha cott~pany executing the loase that the~building(s) will <br />house the contor of the company's operations including the main officas for its management <br />and administrative officors durin~ the grant pariod. Agreements executed using this provision <br />shall normally be with the tenant but based on the value of the building since it will be the <br />primary permsnent gonerator of new tax reveaue. The building ownar may ba the recipient <br />-4- <br />~~~ <br />