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of the incentive grant depending on the siructure of the lease. The.agreement may include an <br />oprion to automatically transfer the grant if the lessee decides to purchase the building during <br />the grant period. The incentive agreement shall become void, however, if the lessee <br />terminates the lease withouf purchase of the building. <br />Calculations of the project grant award shall be based upon anticipated new property tax revenues <br />the county expects to receive from a specific project; the ~nnual grant awazd due to the grantee will <br />be paid on or before April 15th each year during the graat period subject to the projecYs date of <br />useful occupancy andior production startup.' <br />During thc grant awazd period, the grantee must remain current with aIl real and property taxes <br />assessed, other fees, taxes or other assessments levied by the grantozs to remain eligible for the grant. <br />Failure to do so, results in termination of the grant award. <br />The county will monitor the assessed valuation of the project during the award period to assure that <br />the process used to determine the award of the..grant remains consistent. with estimates used. <br />Excessive fluctuations in the estimated project value may be cause for review of the grant inclusive <br />of modifioation to the terms of the grant subject to review and action by the County Commission. <br />(Tt is not intended that grants and the property taxes of a speci5c gant project equate exactly for the <br />grant period. Additions, changes in real estate valuations and other factors may impact upon the <br />actual property tax assessment base during the grant period. Estimates aze used only to establish a <br />rational link between a project and its econornic impact upon the oounty and its citizens.). <br />Crrants are not transferable and may not be otherwise conveyed fo another party without tfle specific <br />consent of the grantors. <br />Grantees are required to provide and maintain evidence that the average wages paid to employees <br />associated with a project given a grant meet or exceed the existing average wage rate for positions <br />o~ siinilar employment within the county's workforce during the grant period. <br />Grants for expansion of existing industries will account for reducrions in value associated with <br />machinery. and equipment being phased out, replaced or retrofitted as part of a project. Factors <br />impacting employment will be evaluated and enter into determinarions of grant awazds. The <br />company must agree to the value of the older assets being replaced if new assets aze for replacement <br />purposes. <br />Grants for new proj ects will only consider estimated enhancements to the property tax assessment . <br />base ahove those existing the project as proposed. <br />The county shal] provide detailed reporting processes to. monitor and assure compliance with ttie <br />terms, conditians and other specific requirements of the grani award agreement. :'I'he grantee shall <br />comply with the reporting requirements during the grant period. The county aerees to maintain <br />confidentiality of information deemed to be proprietary in nature. The grantee .shall provide the <br />county access to verifiable grant related support documentation. Failure of the county to obtain <br />required grantee documentation shall cause termination of grant. <br />-5- <br />G-3 <br />