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(52) Severe Property Damage. shaA-~nean Substantial physical damage to property, damage to the user's <br />treatment facilities which causes them to become inoperable, or substaritial and permanent loss of <br />natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occw in the absence of a bypass. Severe <br />property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production. <br />(53) Significant Industrial User S( IU). s1~a41-mean M€asili6y industrial user which dischazges non- <br />domestic wastewater into a publicly owned ueatmern works and which: <br />(i) has an average daily process wastewater flow rivenry five thousand (25,000) gallons per day <br />or more; or <br />(ii) contributes more than five (5) percent of any design or treahnent capaciry (i.e. allowable <br />pollutant load) of the POTW wastewate~ treahnent plant receiving the discharge; or <br />(iii) is required to meet a national categorical pretrealment standazd; or <br />(iv) is found by WSACC, the Division of Water Oualiry or the U.S. <br />Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to have the potential for impact, either singty or in <br />combination with other contributing industrial users, on the wastewater treatment system, the <br />quality of sludge, the system's efTluent qua]ity, or compliance with any pretreahnent <br />standards or requiremenu. <br />(54) Significant Noncompliance . s}taN--rnean A status of a user's <br />noncompliance defined as follows: <br />(i) Violations ofwastewater dischazge limiu. <br />A. Chronic violations. Sixry-six percent or more of the measwements exceed (by any <br />magnitude) the same daily maximum limit or the same average limit in a six-month period. <br />B. Technical Review Criteria (TRC) violations. Thirty-three percem or more of the <br />measurements equal or exceed are-~ere t~an the aonlicable TRC multialied by i'vnes the <br />dailv maximum limit or the monthlv avera eg limit H~ar~~n-e~e~ge) in a six-month <br />period. There are two goups of TRCs: <br />For conventional pollutanu (BOD, TSS, fau, oil and gease) TRC = 1.4 <br />For all other pollutanu TRC = 12 <br />For pH any value less than or equal to 4.5 unNS or ereater than or eaual to 12.5. <br />C. Any other violation(s) of an eftluent limit (average or daily maxunum) that the control <br />authority determines 13elieves has caused, alone or in combination with other discharges, <br />interference or pass-through; or endangered the health oFthe POTW ~=P:ant <br />personnel or the public. <br />D. Any dischazge of a pollutant that has caused imminent endangerment to human <br />health/welfare or to the environment ar~ or has resulted in the POTW's exercise of its <br />emergency authority under naraerauh (fls l l(vil(Bl of 40 CFR 403.8 to halt or prevent such a <br />discharge. <br />(ii) Violations of compliance schedule milestones, contained in a pretreahnent permit or <br />enforcement order, for starting constrvction, completing construction, and attaining final <br />11 <br />C~ -'i <br />