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(64) Wastewater. ~a~e~x The liquid and water-carcied, industrial and/or domestic wastes, from <br />dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial facilities, mobile sources, treatment facilities, and/or <br />institutions together with any groundwater, surface water, and/or storm water that may be present, <br />whether treated or untreated, which aze contributed into or permitted to enter the POTW. <br />(65) Wastewater Dischar¢e Permit. s}~aN-me2n The permit required by ~-se~'eHH-in Section 42 of this <br />ordinance. <br />(66) Waters of the State. s13a}I-~neat3 Al] streams, lakes, ponds, marshes, watercourse, waterways, wells, <br />springs, reservoirs, aquifers, irdgation systems, drainage systems and all other bodies or <br />accumulations of water, surface or undergound, natural or artificial, public or private, which are <br />contained within, flow through, or border upon the State or any portion thereof. <br />(67) WSACC. The Water and Sewer Authoriri of Cabazrus Countv, the Executive Director or his <br />desienee. <br />1.3 Abbreviations <br />(a) This ordinance is gender neutral and the masculine gender shall include the feminine and vice-versa. Shall is <br />mandatory; may is permissive or discretionary. The use of the singular shall be construed to include the plural <br />and the plural shall include the singular as indicated by the context of its use. <br />(b) The following abbreviations, when used in this ordinance, shall have the designated meanings: <br />(1) BODS - Five 5 day Biochemical O~cygen Demand <br />(2) CFR - Code of Federal Regulations <br />(3) COD - Chemical O~cygen Demand <br />(4) DENR - Deparhnent of Environment and Natural Resources <br />(5) EPA - Environmental Protection Agency <br />(6) gpd - Gallons aer day <br />(7) mgd - Million eallons ner dav <br />(8) mg/I - Milligrams per liter <br />(9) NCAC - North Cazolina Administrative Code <br />(] 0) N.C.G.S. - North Cazolina General Statutes <br />(1 I ) NH3 - Ni[rogen Ammonia <br />(12) NOV -Notice of Violation <br />(13) NPDES -National Pollution Dischazge EI'unination System <br />(14) O& M- Operation and Maintenance <br />(15) POTW - Publicly Owned Treatrnent Works <br />(16) RCRA - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act <br />(17) SIC - Standazd Industrial Classification <br />(18) SIU-Si~nificantIndustrialUser <br />(19) SWDA - Solid Waste Disposal Act, 42 U.S.C. 6701, et. seq. <br />(20) TSS - Total Suspended Solids <br />(21) U.S.C. - United States Code <br />(22) WSACC - Water & Sewer Authoritv of Cabanvs Counri <br />SECTION 2- GENERAL SEWER USE REQUIREMENTS <br />13 <br />lS ' i <br />