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SERVICE AGREEMENT MEMORANDUM <br />Upon the request of the undersigned local government [CabTrrus CountyJ, tl~e Centralina Coimcil of <br />Governme~its (Centralina) agrees to perform the services described in the attached "Scope of Service." <br />The estimated cost of these services to be paid by the local governtneut is $18.294 plus 30 member hours <br />from FY 07_;,~08 allocation for the project: FY2007-08 HOME AdministrAtive Services. <br />It is agreed that notwithstai~ding any estimates given, the local govermnent witl be expected to pay the <br />actual costs iucurred by Centrafiua in providing the services. As required by Centralina's Charter, the <br />local government will be billed approximately bi-weekly for actual costs during the preceding work <br />period. If, during the course of this work, it appears that the services needed to complete this project are <br />likely to exceed the estimated costs, Centralina will notify tl~e local government's project manager prior <br />to performing seivices in excess of the budgeted amount. The local government may then choose to <br />approve the additional cost or reduce the scope of wock. <br />If the actual costs are less than those estimated, Centralina will bill the bcal govermnent only for acuaal <br />costs incurred. Actual costs of the project shall be determined using: (a) the hourly rates for the <br />employees workittg on tUe project, (b) Centralina's standard indirect cost rate, and (c) any specialized <br />project costs reqttired and previously agreed upon by Centralina and tha local government. <br />It is estimated that frotn the noti~cation to proceed, it will take 12 month(s} to perfortn these services. <br />This proposal to perform the "Scope of Services" is valid for a period of sixty (60) days from this lst day <br />of Mav, 2007. <br />Ifyou wish Centrafina to proceed with this work, please have an authorized official acknowledge <br />acceptance of this proposal and forward the same to us. Upon receipt by Centralina of this Agreement <br />properly executed, it sliall become the contract between the parties and the "Notice to Proceed" with the <br />work. <br />CENTRA A{CIL OF' GOVERNMENTS: C~r~pbs{{(#«'~ ,{, <br />/ <br />By: <br />A. R. Sharp, Jr. Exec tive Director <br />PROPOSAL PREPARED BY: Shelley Wil-iq:nson (Centralina Staf~ <br />Accepted,this day of 20 <br />LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL UNIT: Cabarrus Couury <br />By: <br />Segnature ofAutl~orized Official ofLocal Government <br />Service Agreement approved as to form by Attorney for Centralina: William H. McNair <br />Effec~ive Date: 07/01/2005 ~_ ~ ~ <br />