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Allied shall maintain a current listing of all residential customers and make this list available to <br />the County upon request. <br />Fifteen (l5) days following the end of each quarter, Allied shall provide a report on its <br />operations to the County including the following: <br />- Number of residential collection service customers and quantity of solid waste <br />collected and disposed by Allied/BFI from the unincorporated azeas of the County for <br />which a franchise fee is due. <br />Number of residents participating in the curbside recycling program and amount <br />recycled by individual material, if applicable. <br />- Quantity of residential municipal solid waste delivered to the disposal facility by <br />the City of Kannapolis and Towns of Mount Pleasant and Harrisburg. <br />Number of complaints received from residential collection service customers and <br />their resolution. <br />- Number of residential collection service delinquent accounts. <br />- The name and address of customers whose service has been terminated due to <br />failure to pay. <br />- Delinquent Pay Policy listed in Section 8.3 Billing. <br />On the last day of each calendar year, BFI shall submit a report to the County certifying that BFI <br />has sufficient capacity at its landfill(s) or contracted with other landfills to meet the disposal <br />capacity requirements under this Agreement through the remaining term of the Agreement. The <br />specific sanitary landfill(s) furnishing such capacity shall be identified. <br />6.10 Preservation of Property <br />Allied shall reasonably attempt to preserve from damage all property along the line of the <br />collection services, or which is in the vicinity of or is in any way affected by the performance of <br />the collection service. This applies, but is not limited to the public utilities, trees, lawn areas, <br />building monuments or mazks, fences, pipe and underground structures, public streets (except <br />natural wear and tear of streets resulting from legitimate use thereof by Allied and not due to the <br />fault of any other entity), and wherever such property is damaged due to the activities of Allied, <br />it shall be immediately restored to its original condition by Allied at its own expense. <br />In case of failure on the part of Allied to restore such property, or make good such damage or <br />injury, the County may, upon 48-hours written notice to Allied, proceed to repair, rebuild, or Deleted: SolidWazteColleceonandDisp <br />otherwise restore such property as may be deemed necessary, and the cost thereof will be billed ~ osalFmnclaseAgreement-June 27 2007 <br /> .aaidens.aee <br />by the County to Allied. <br /> Deleted: SolidWazleColleclionandDisp <br /> osalfmncldseAgreemem-Jwe 17 200] <br /> additions <br /> <br /> <br />c un. n..n- i Dock 9 ' <br />~' <br />G-(~ <br />