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<br />THE INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE <br />April 6, 2006 <br /> <br />.(i) <br /> <br />CABARRUS COUNTY <br />BOARO OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> <br />NanCE OF PUBUC HEAmNGf <br />IndUSlrlalllovelopmont lncenu,o.O_ <br />Notice ~ her8Ily given thatth<l CobaITUS CoUllty <br />Board of COrT1mlsslonors will hold a public heanng at <br />6:30 e.m. (0( ~soon thereafter as pel'$OllS may be <br />heafll) on MorKfay, 'Apnl17. 2006, in the Commi.- <br />sioners'Meellng Room located on th<I ~ond lloor <br />01 the CabwtUS County Gov&I1)IIlontalCenter, 65 <br />Church Street. SE. Concord, to consider an incentive <br />grant for JHE. Pro<luct~n Group, Inc.. pursuant to <br />N.C. Goneral StaMo158-7.1 Tho company pr0- <br />poses to 1000000In ~sburg with 0 totaJ project i... <br />vestment of 'IlProximBtOty '$3 million (estimated) and <br />~ ~igi~e for a Small Corpoiata Haadquarters Grant <br />undor the County'~ Industrial ~elopmont Grant <br />Program. ' <br />NotIce Is 11elellY" 9i'ian \fiat th<ICabarrus County <br />Board of ConImlssloners will hold a p~k: haarlng at <br />6:30 p.m. (or as soon ,thereafter as persons ma, y be <br />hSllrd) on MondaY. April H, 2006. In th<I Commis- <br />sioners' MeellngRoom located on the second ftoor <br />of the CabarlUSCounty Govemmontai, Center. 65 <br />Church Street, BE, Concord, to conslder.a modlfice. <br />lion of .thoil1COntivegrant for eonllZ Contracting <br />Company. inc.."pursyanFto N.C. Genersl StaMe <br />158-7.1 The company was awarded o Small Cor- <br />porate Headquarll!rs Grant fo locate in Concord with <br />a totaJ project InVestment of 'IlPro~matety $3.27 mil. <br />lion (estimated). Th,e company haS',ioIocated to Con- <br />cord. but, has notmoved lt$ headqUarters and needs <br />a waiver of th<Il1asdquarters roqVlromonl. <br />The proposad draft agreemoirts are aval~ble for In- <br />spoction In th<I ()Ifice of the C~rk to tho Board at the <br />Governmental Center. <br />Frankie F. Bond. <br />Clerk to th<I Board <br />IF. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS ARE NEEDED, <br />PLEASE CONTACT THE 'CLERK AT (704) 92~2110 AT <br />LEAST 4a HOURS PRIOR TO THE PUBLIC HEARING. <br />PUBLISH: Apnl6. 2006 <br /> <br />G--~ <br />