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<br /> <br />,< '-'-.-"."::-'1,>' <br />"".. ,1lh. COMPONENT SUMMARY (attach for each component) <br />Statement of the Problem <br />In concise terminology, describe the juvenile justice problem(s) to address and how these services meet the needs or <br />service aps identified in the JCPC Annual Plan. <br />Many youth involved in DJJDP have had some type of substance uselabuse involved in their acting out behavior. <br />Currently a significant number of youth go undetected as a result of cohesive screening and assessment (as per <br />reports from DJJDP court counselors). Assessments will provide an accurate picture of the client's substance <br />uselabuse issues and needs, and facilitate the linkage of these youth to the needed services in their community. <br />Treatment in the community that involved the family is vital for treatment to be more effective, and prevent placement <br />out-of-the home. <br /> <br /> <br />TargefPopulation <br />Describe the target population and ste s taken to insure that the target opulation is served. <br />The targeted population includes youth ages 7 -17who are exhibiting pre-delinquent, delinquent, undisciplined or <br />sexually aggressive behaviors. Adjudicated, diverted, and DJJ at-risk youth will be considered for services. Services <br />to these youth will be through referral by the Juvenile Court Counselors. Communication between the Court <br />Counselor and the Staff Ps cholo ist will occur re ula on a formal and informal basis. <br />t>t99r!iimlSloal(s). State the effect this component is designedtofJ@~:fill$olving the problem described above. <br />Goals of the program are to: 1) Youth referred for the services will receive comprehensive evaluations and testing for <br />behavioral, emotional and other related Mental Health issues. 2) OAYMARK staff will be placed at the court house 20 <br />hours per week to insure accessibility of service in a timely manner and increased effective consultation to the court <br />and its representative. 3) youth needing services such as individual, family, parenting, anger management, sex <br />offender treatment, intensive family preservation services will be referred to such services within one week of <br />assessment. <br />!\ll~@~Mr~!lle Objective(s) <br />State in measurable terms the intended effect on specific undisciplined and/or delinquent behaviors. Example: anticipated <br />reductions in court referrals, runaway behavior, disruptive behavior at school, anticipated improved school attendance and acade ic <br />achievement. These objectives must include participant outcomes and may include program outcomes. <br /> <br />This position will asses all referrals from the DJJDP Court Counselors and provide recommendations and referrals for <br />neewithin seven (7) days and provide recommendations and referrals for needed Substance Abuse - Mental Health <br />services. The goal will be to screen all referrals over the 12-month period of the grant. This position will serve 40 <br />youth during the course of the year and will provide written report to the Court Counselor within 21-days of referral. <br /> <br />l"rig.t!tyCpmmunity Risk Factor(s) Addressed <br />State how rlorit risk factor(s) identified b the JCPC will be addressed. <br />The program will be providing timely information concerning the needs of the cleint and the manner in which meeting <br />these can be addresses. The service addresses the priority risk-factors of Family Management Problems and <br />Community Drug and Alcohol use through determining the appropriate course of treatment. <br /> <br />Protective Factors Utilized (Ex. Healthy beliefs & clear standards, skills, opportunities, recognition) <br />Protective factors to address "risk factors" will include a comprehensive assessment with specific treatment <br />recommendations focusing on increasing the child and the family protective factors while decresing the impact of the <br />risk factors the family is facing. <br /> <br />F-I,;:::> <br /> <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />