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<br />,0; COMPONENT NARRATIVE CONTlNUED (attach for each component) <br />(5) Describe the interaction with' uvenile court and other referring agencies, <br />This position will be housed at th'e Cabarrus County Court house 20 hours per week, This will provide the Staff <br />Psychological Associate opportuhity to interact with the DJJDP staff on a weekly basis both formally and informally, <br /> <br />lI'i" ,~., . ".." ""11 <br />......" .' .,," c. <br />tl" "(' , ~ If '/'j'\~'/d <br />~,~\ '4 :: ' ,I .'~,' ~,::) /:,{~~ <br /> <br />(1) Elevated RIsk and Needs: Dllscribe how you wili address one or more of the elevated risk and needs of <br />ad'udicated outh in the count, Please see the count JCPC Re uest For Pro osal for elevated risk/needs, <br />The program will be providing timely information concerning needs of the client in the manner in which these needs <br />can be addressed, The services address the priority risk factors of Family Management Problems and Community <br />Drug and Alchol Use through de\ermining the appropriate course of treatment. <br /> <br />(2) Protective Factors: Describe: how you wili address one or more of the Priority Protective Factors listed in the local <br />JCPC Re uest for Pro osal. <br />Protective factors to address "ris factors" will include a comprehensive assessment with specific treatment <br />,. <br />recommendations focusing on inpreasing the youth's and family's protective factors while decreasing the impact of the <br />risk factors the family is facing, ' <br /> <br />f- \5 <br /> <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />