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<br />" ~ ( <br /> <br />. ",:{l,I'}'d.i <br /> <br />---........ .. ! , <br />Multi Components: I 0 i-es o No I <br />If YES, please attach progranf Component Evaluation Information, Component Summary, and Componant Narrative pagas for <br />each component. Thase addit~onal pages are available on the additional componant tabs in this file. <br /> PROGRAM COMPONENT INFORMATION FOR APPLICATION YEAR <br />Component Name I Project Challenge I 10#1 313024 <br />What Is this component's maximum client capacity at any given time? r 25 <br />Frequency: Contacla per CII_nt I 4 lpet month Anticipated Average Length of Stayl 180 I days <br />Estimated number of youtll to be admitted during funding period I 55 I <br />Component Cost 1$ 82,409 I Estimated average cost per youth I $ 1,498 <br />~Ism.. . <br />Describe how you will obtain and analyze data to determine the court involvement of clients one year following <br />termination from the program. <br />Project Challenge mainll!ins recidivism records to track the progress of participants at six months and one year <br />following their completion ~f the program. These records track referals to the juvenile court counseling office or <br />through the clerk of court, ~nd the participants suspenionslexplusions from school. <br />:;\.~" d i,<~,-, :};", ;,-;,:"'.";(-,,'" .' .', ...' c:ONTINUATION PROGRAM,!IIIlFORMATION," ,. . ,,"....; ...... ." .'" !,_,;~-: -, - 'J': k" <br />! .. 'IS'THISCOMPONENTCURRENTLY FUNDED? 0Veso,Na '. . . ," ....,!.,.. ,l,"-' :r;.-, <br />, ...... <br /> IF YES, CqMPLETE THE INFORMATION BELOW. IF NO ~ TO SECTION Ill. <br />Evaluation of Measurab'e Objectives (first six months of current fiscal year) <br />Please lisf each Measureble!Objective in your current program agreement and indicate the degree to which your <br />program has been successf~1 in achieving each. These objectives should include reductions in court. referrals, and <br />may include runaway behavipr, disruptive behavior in school, and improvement in school attendance and academic <br />achievement.-(Use data frori! program operetion through December 31st of current funding year.) <br />MEASURABLe OBJECTIVES 6 MONTH~ULTS <br />1) 65% of youth served will have no new court . 1) 96% or 24 of 25 of youth that compete the program have <br />referrals. had no new court referrals. <br />. .2) 65% of youth served will'have a 'reduction, or no' 2).10Q% or 25 of 25 youth that cOmpletEl the prograr:n~ave .. <br />increase; in school discipli~ary referrels. had a reduction, or )10 increase, in school disciplinary <br />3) By post test at terminatlbn, 65% of youth SElrved will referrals. <br />demonstrate the following ~ocial skills: following 3) By post tElst at termination, 1 00% or 25 of 25 youth that <br />instructions, accepting con!8ction, asking permission have completed the program have demonstrated the <br />and getting along with peers. following social skills: following instructions, accepting <br /> correction, asking permission and getting along with peers. <br /> , <br /> ! <br />Component Service Stat stlcs for Past Fiscal Year <br />WAS THIS COMPO~ ENT FUNDED DURING THE LAST FULL FISCAL YEAR? 0ves DNa <br /> IF YES CO PLETE THE INFORMATION BELOW. IF NO SKIP TO SECTION Ill. <br />Continuation 5 Actual number of youth admitted last fiscal vear <br />programs only 5 # of admissions Juvenile Court referred I 100% lof total admissions <br /> { # of law enforcement referred I 0% lof total admissions <br /> <br />Page 2 of 10 <br />F=.15 <br />