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<br />. lill;r.'nc II i I , <br />Multi Components: TO Yes I. 0 No I <br />If YES, please attach Program COTPonent Evaluation Information Component Summary, and Component Narrative pages for <br />each component. These additiona/loages a19 available on the additional component tabs in this file. <br /> PROGRA COMPONENT INFORMATIONl"<:>R APPLICATION YEAR <br />Component Name I ~exual Offender Counseling Services I 10#1 313026 <br />What is this component's ."aximum client capacity at any given time? I 18 <br />Frequency: Contacts per Client ! I 4 Iper month Anticipated Average Length of Slay I 365 I days <br />Estimated number of youth te) be admitted during funding period I 18 I <br />Component Cost I $ 42,700 I Estimated average cost per youth I $ 2,372 <br />RecidIvism <br />Describe how you will obtain a",d analyze data to determine the courl involvement of clients one year following <br />terminetion from the program. . <br />Records will be kept on formE!r clients who are adjudicated for a new offense. These clients will be identified during <br />the meeting of the therapist (<!ourt appointed by ALPHA) and the Juvenile Justice Court Counselors, along with local <br />Illwenforcement, to review the upcoming court dockets. ALPHA will institute a tracking form to help track continued <br />nrooress of the client unon cOJnoletion of the orooram. <br /> ." CONTINUATION PROGRAM INFORMATION <br />IS THIS COMPONENT CURRENTLY FUNDED? OYes DNa <br /> IF YES, COMP ETE THE INFORMATION BELOW, IF NO SKIP TO SECTION III, <br />Evaluation of Measurable C . bJectives (first six months of current fiscal year) <br />Please list each Measurab/e OJJjective in your current program agraement and indicate the degrae to which your <br />program has been successful it! achieving each. These objectives should include raductions in courl raferrals, and <br />may include runaway behavior, ,disruptive behavior in school, and improvement in school attendance and academic <br />achievement. (Use data from prpgram operation through December 31st of current funding year.) <br />MEASURABLE OJ:f.lECTIVES 6 MONTH RESULTS <br />1. Anticipated 75% reduction :in problem behavior with 1. Per reports received from progress notes, clients, court <br />improvement in school participation and grade and a counselors and educational systems, this ALPHA objective <br />reduction in problem classroo," behavior. We also was achieved. For family related problems, we met the <br />expect to see fewer family rel+ted problems. objective but also learned that more youth were learning to <br />2. Anticipated 80% reduction (n cubsequent court identify potential family issues and needed extra services <br />related issues. for coping/dealing/resolving the issues. 2. Per <br /> court records and court counselors, there were no court <br /> related issues at this time. ALPHA Objective was <br /> achieved. <br />Component Service Statist cs for Past Fiscal Year <br />WAS THIS COMPONEI .T FUNDED DURING THE LAST FULL FISCAL YEAR? OYes DNa <br /> IF YES. COMP ETE THE INFORMATION BELOW. IF NO SKIP TO SECTION III. <br />Continuation 13 i Actual number of youth admitted last fiscal vear <br />programs only 13 ! # of admissions Juvenile Court referred I 100% lof total admissions <br /> o " # of law enforcement referred I 0% lof total admissions <br /> <br />F-15 <br /> <br />Page 2 of 10 <br />