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<br /> SECTION III I COMPONENT SUMMARY (attach for each component) <br />Statement of the Problem <br />In concise terminology, describe the juvenile justice problem(s) to address and how these services meet the needs or <br />service aaps identified in the JCPC Annual Plan. <br />The youth that come through the Stanly County Juvenile Justice Program usually suffer from various types of mental <br />health disabilities, are users of mind-altering substances, and/or have various debilitating family issues that contribute <br />to their delinquency. Family issues may include poor role modeling in the home which leads to the youth not being <br />adequately prepared to handle conflict, peer pressure and important self-worth issues. There is an increasing number <br />of juvenile violations, in the area of sexual offense, in Cabarrus County and unless the problem is identified and <br />resolved during adolescent years, the offender may continue with offending behaviors into the adult years. The <br />ALPHA program will offer individual, group and family counseling for youth and family that are determined by the court <br />system to need services. The ALPHA program will address sexual offender specific issues as well as those listed <br />1_..._. <br />Target Population <br />Describe the taraet population and steps taken to insure that the taraet population is served. <br />This program will serve clients that are in the age range of 7-17 years. ALPHA will also offer services to family <br />members if needed. All clients will be assessed and assigned a therapist based on needed services. Once the <br />referral is made, the client will be assessed and a written report will be received by the court counselor within 48 <br />hours. If additional Psvcho-Educational Assessment is renuired a written full reoort will be issued within 15 days. <br />Program Goal(s) State the effect this component is deSigned to have on solving the problem described above. <br />ALI?HA's goal is to educate the client to the reasons he or she is involved with the court system and how to prevent <br />reoCcurrence. This is done by the client's understanding of how his or her behaviors led to delinquency and how a <br />modification of distorted cognition and maladaptive behavior can prevent reoccurrence. <br />Also, ALPHA wants to increase the family members' knowledge and understanding of behavioral/delinquent issues <br />and the ability to recognize and resolve inappropriate behavioral issues before they lead to delinquency. <br />::J <br />Measurable Objective(s) <br />State in measurable terms the intended effect on specific undisciplined and/or delinquent behaviors. Example: anticipated <br />reductions in court refenals, runaway behavior, disruptive behavior at school, anticipated improved school attendance and academic <br />achievement. These objectives must include participant outcomes and may include program outcomes. <br />1. We anticipate a 75% reduction in problem behavior <br /> a. We expect to see a major improvement in the school participation, grade improvement (for those capable l, <br /> and problem classroom behavior in 75% of those enrolled in the ALPHA program. <br /> b. We expect to see fewer family related problems in those enrolled in the program <br />2. We anticipate an 80% reduction in subsequent court related issues. <br />3. We anticipate a 75% improvement in total family functioning. <br />Priority Community Risk Factor(s) Addressed <br />State how prioritv risk factor(s) identified bv the JCPC will be addressed. <br />The risk factors identified are family management problems, family conflict, disruption, parenting problems and early <br />and present behavior problems. Youth and family members alilke need to deal with/resolve dsyfunctional behaviors <br />and distorted thinking in order for treatment to be effective. <br />Protective Factors Utilized (Ex. Healthy beliefs & clear standards, skills, opportunities, recognition) <br />ALPHA will enforce that each client has the right to his or her own beliefs as long as the beliefs do not lead to <br />unlawful or harmful behavior toward the family members, those in society, or the client. ALPHA will attempt to teach, <br />youth and family members, the skills needed to recognize any unhealthy belief or standard that results in delinquent <br />behavior and also how altering that belief system can result in a more healthy life style, better interpersonal <br />relationships, increased life opportunities and overall well-being. This change can be accomplished by altering <br />coanitive distortions that lead to dysfunctional or delinouent behaviors. <br /> <br />F=-15 <br /> <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />