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<br /> <br />eon. CO"PONENT NARRATIVE CONTINUED (attach foteach component) <br />(5) Describe the interaction withjuveniie court and other referring agencies. <br />ALPHA staff will attend juvenile court when in session, when possible. Staff will meet with court counselors to review <br />court cases, to discuss clients' progress for those in treatment, and to provide ongoing consultation as needed. <br />Other agencies will have a contllct person in the program. <br /> <br />seCTION IV-S II <br /> <br />(1) Elevated Risk and Needs: oescribe how you will address one or more of the elevated risk and needs of <br />adiudicated vouth in the countv. i (Please see the countv JCPC Reouest For Pronosal for elevated risk/needs. ) <br />1. ALPHA will provide individual and group counseling for all risk factors noted. In addition, outpatient substance <br />abuse counseling and sexual offender issues can also be addressed in individual and.! or group counseling sessions. <br />2. Family counseling will be made available to all family members in need of assistance and Family sessions will be <br />conducted monthlly as an ALPHA program requirement. <br />3. Inherent damaging family issues will be discussed with the family of the client with a covenant established between <br />the parent (family or legal guardian), the client and IMPACT as to the course of action including all anticipated goals. <br />4. Periodic follow up will be conducted between each member of the covenant of action to evaluate progress and any <br />changes that need to be made. <br /> <br />(2) Protective Factors: Describ~ how you will address one or more of the Priority Protective Factors listed in the local <br />JCPC Reauest for Proposal. <br />1. ALPHA will also make the cli~nt and the family aware of all community resources that would be considered helpful <br />In the client's treatment processiand incorporate them where possible. 2. ALPHA will <br />attempt to help the client to idenlify his or her personal strengths and weaknesses and how each of these can be <br />utilized in the client's treatment ~rocess. 3. ALPHA will <br />development a prevention and/or intervention plan fOr the client, when needed to deal with all major problems and <br />issues. 4. ALPHA.will attemptto <br />help family members gain knowledge and understanding of sexual/delinquent issues. <br /> <br />F- \5 <br /> <br />Page 6 of 10 <br />