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<br />Contract # <br />Easter Seals UCP North Carolina, Inc. <br /> <br />ATTACHMENT B - Scope of Work <br /> <br />Federal Tax Id. <br />Contract # <br /> <br />56-0670676 <br /> <br />A. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION <br />I. Contractor Agency Name: Easter Seals UCP North Carolina. Il'\c-. <br />2. If different from Contract Administrator Information in General Contract: <br />Address Same as Contract Administrator Information in General Contract <br /> <br />Telephone Number: No Change Fax Number: No Change Email: No Change <br />3. Name of Program (s): CAP Choice <br />4. Status: ~ Public <Xl Private, Not for Profit () Private, For Profit <br />5. Contractor's Financial Reporting Year Julv 1. 2006 through June 30. 2007 <br /> <br />B. Explanation of Services to be provided and to whom (include SIS Service Code): <br />Parties: The Managing Entitv. the County. and the Fiscal Intermediarv. the <br />Contractor. functioning as the financial administrator on behalf ofthe person <br />who is the Participant in the CAP Choice Program. <br />Duties of the County: <br />1) Provide funds to the Contractor equal to all payroll costs associated with the payment <br />of Participants' employees including. but not limited to. wages. withholdings. taxes and <br />other emplover related expenses. <br />2) Pay an administrative fee of $35 per Participant per month to the Contractor. If a <br />Participant leaves the program prior to the end of a calendar year. a one time fee will be <br />assessed for continued tax filings and W - 2 preparation. This fee shall be collected at the <br />beginning of the Participant's involvement with the Contractor. <br />3) Deliver payment for reimbursement of emplover related costs and additional <br />administrative fees no later than fifteen (] 5) days after notification ofthe incurred <br />expense bv the Contractor. <br />4) Provide the Contractor with all information required to accuratelv report and pay <br />employer related taxes on behalf of the Participant. This includes. but is not limited to. <br />Participants' emjJlover identification number. access to Participant's tax deposit accounts <br />and reporting agent authorization forms. <br />5) Provide the Contractor with all completed forms and information required to <br />document the Participants' emplovees. This will include. but not limited to. IRS form <br />W-4 and 1-9. NC form NC-4. employment application. <br />6) Provide the Contractor with summarv of hours worked (including overtime hours) for <br />each Participant's emplovee no later than tlrree (3) business days following the end of <br />each pay period (see attached payroll calendar). All documented hours received after the <br />third business day will be paid on the next payroll cvcle. <br />7) Provide the Contractor with written approval prior to the release of any payments bv <br />the Contractor on behalf of Participants. (No payments will be released until such <br />approval is secured. <br />8) Designate a person employed bv the County who shall act as the liaison between the <br />parties. be responsible for monitoring. serve as a primary contact for the Participant and <br />the Contractor. <br /> <br />Contract-Scope of Work (06/04) <br /> <br />Page lof3 <br /> <br />r:-- I 5 <br />