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<br /> <br />MEMORANDUM <br /> <br />TO: <br />FROM: <br />DATE: <br />SUBJECT: <br /> <br />Jehn Day, Ceunty Manager <br />Sandy Russell, DSS Interim Directer <br />10/30/06 <br />Werk First Demenstratien Grant <br /> <br />With the Deficit Reductien Act .of 2005, states that de net reach the federally established rate .of <br />Werk First clients participating in jeb related activities will be subject te reductien .of T ANF <br />funding. In Cabarrus Ceunty, TANF funds ($1.7 millien) are used mainiy te suppert child <br />weifare services. Less .of these funds ceuld impact the agency's ability te protect and previde <br />services te children. <br /> <br />In an effert te increase the'statewide participatien rate, the Divisien .of Secial Services made <br />grant funding available te qeunties te develep demenstratien prejects .offering newer expanded <br />services te Werk First clients te bring the participatien rates abeve the Federal level .of 50%. <br /> <br />James Peik, program administrater .of Adult and Family Services Divisien, in cenjunctien with his <br />staff submitted a prepesal, Career Skills fer Success, fer the Werk First Demenstratien Grant <br />(see attached). This prep.osal invelved werking with RCCC te enrell all Werk First clients inte <br />the RCCC Career Readiness pregram. Other cempenents .of the prepesal included reductien .of <br />caseiead sizes threugh the use .of a temperary secial werker. With the reduced caseleads, <br />secial werkers weuld be more actively invelved with their clients including centacts several times <br />a week te men iter pregres~. Secial werkers will alse be mere preactive in identifying jebs <br />available threugh persenal centacts with businesses in an effert te enceurage the businesses te <br />hire .our clients. Secial werkers will alse werk with the clients te reduce the chances businesses <br />take when hiring .our client!; by assuring that emergency plans are in place sheuld transpertatien <br />.or child care arrangements breakdewn allewing the empleyee te werk regularly. Grant funds <br />will be used te pay fer educatienal expenses, shert-term day care t.o allew fer mere preductive <br />jeb searches and transpertatien fer evening classes .or after heurs empleyment. The prepesal <br />alse included securing secbnd medical epiniens when the client's physician reperts that the <br />client is physically net abl~ te werk. <br /> <br />Our grant prepesal was appreved (see attached letter frem Esther High with the Divisien .of <br />Secial Services) and the agency was appreved te receive $178,164 funds fer FY07. As feur <br />menths .of FY07 has already passed, we need te act immediately te implement the preject's <br />cempenents. Appreval .of the attached budget amendment will allew us te de se. We are <br />cenfident that this multilev~l appreach will be successful in assuring that clients will be able te <br />progress tewards self-suffiGiency through full empleyment. <br /> <br />Attachment 1: Werk First Demenstratien Grant prepesal <br />Attachment 2: Letter .of Grant Appreval <br />Attachment 3: Budget Amendment and Agenda Item Request <br /> <br />\=-- \~ <br />