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<br />Work First Demonstration Grant for Cabarrus County <br /> <br />Name of Proiect: Career Skills for Success <br /> <br />1. Goals for Demonstration Proiect: <br />1. Ensure that the All-Family Participation rate exceeds 55% for the duration of the <br />grant period and that the Two-Family Participation rate does not go below 95% <br />for the period. <br />2. Ensure that all Work First recipients who are required to participate in <br />employment related activities do so at required levels of participation to enable <br />them to successfully gain employment. <br />3. Ensure that at least 25% of Work First recipients who are disabled or <br />incapacitated access disability or treatment to ensure that they have adequate <br />income to support their children. <br />4. Ensure that all Work First recipients required to participate in employment <br />services complete the Career Readiness Program through Rowan-Cabarrus <br />Community College, and secure Work Keys certification. <br />5. Ensure that all necessary supportive services to support participation are provided <br />in a timely fashion to eliminate excuses and better ensure successful completion. <br />These include after-hours transportation, child care for daily care, and assistance <br />in paying parent fees. <br />6. Ensure that DSS employment staff focus efforts to motivate, support, and monitor <br />clients for success, and to immediately sanction for unjustified non-participation. <br /> <br />Proiected Increases in the all familv and two parent participation rates: <br />Due to the present numbers of able-bodied adults in Cabarrus County, it could be <br />extremely difficult to ensure adequate participation rate increases, particularly in the all <br />family rate. The July 2006 Able-bodied report reflects that Cabarrus County has a 55 <br />adult head caseload and of these 24 are able-bodied adults. This leaves 31 who are <br />exempted for various reasons, including newborn exemptions, disabled or incapacitated. <br />Cabarrus County DSS plans to intensively work with this on a multi-front plan. <br />1. Work intensively with able-bodied adults to ensure full compliance from all. <br />2. Work intensively with disabled adults to ensure that they either secure disability <br />or can participate in Career Readiness and volunteer work to ensure participation. <br />This will include getting a second opinion from a physician. <br /> <br />With all these activities and supports in place, Cabarrus County DSS would project a <br />participation rate of 56% for all families and at least 95% for two parent families. <br /> <br />2. Outcome Measures and means to measure this for duration of Grant: <br />1. 55% of all families and 95% of two parent families are participating at required <br />standards to meet the federal participation rate. <br />2. 100% of individuals complete Career Readiness program at RCCC and get Work <br />Keys certification as a means to better prepare them for employment. <br />3. 100% of individuals needing financial and service support for employment <br />receive it in a timely fashion. <br /> <br />~-\~ <br />