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<br />12 <br /> <br />Mr. Koch said his memo says what it says and you as the commission have to <br />determine whether they consider it to be credible and supportive in what is in its <br />content. He said the point that the Chair made, just a moment ago, that his <br />memo seems to indicate that seats for students for potential owners of houses in <br />this subdivision might not be available for a period of 15 years. That is what the <br />memo seems to say. Mr. Koch said all he can do is look at it the way the Board <br />does. He said he does not think he can say much more about that. If the build <br />out is less than 15 years or starts presumably immediately from what the <br />applicant just testified to, it will be six years from now, it would seem based on <br />Mr. Kluttz, there will not be seats available. He said again, he can only read it <br />for what it is. Typically in the past on these the Board has chosen to approve <br />them if they met the requirements of the ordinance in every aspect except for <br />adequate public facilities. The Board imposed the condition that the applicants <br />work out an agreement with the County Commission concerning the facility fee <br />that they have imposed. Mr. Koch said you done that in the past and he does <br />not think that binds them to do that in the future. He said he thinks that is a <br />decision the Board can make based on their interpre~atjon of the ordinance. Mr. <br />Koch said he does not think that rises to the level of legal precedent that would <br />require that all be handled in that fashion. <br /> <br />The Chair said at no time has the BOilrdreceived a letter from Mr. Kluttz this <br />direct. He said this time he has figure@-.:"\ the new schools and there is no <br />adequacy currently. ' ~~T' . <br /> <br />Mr. Starnes said the only SafegS)d that this board has had and the county has <br />had is one thing and that has been the adequate school facilities ordinance. Mr. <br />Starnes said we have a situation here which has been on-going. The over <br />crowded ness, the development, the roads are not handling the traffic, and the <br />only thing that has been a tool to control the growth is this adequate facilities <br />ordinance. Mr. Starnes said now is the time to put up or shut up. He said we <br />have it and it's time to either use it or take the payoff and turn the other way. <br />What this board has done before is they have always taken the payoff. He said <br />it is either up to this board or the County Commissioners to decide, is this an <br />actual ordinance or is this just a payoff and let it go. <br /> <br />Mr. Moore said he would like to further note on what council said about in the <br />past what this board has done. He said he think that has only been for a limited <br />amount of time that this board took that approach. Mr. Moore said he does not <br />believe that anyone on this panel liked it. It was presented to this board as a <br />way to expedite certain claims. He said this board was not doing their job the <br />way it was defined and that is that everything has to meet all the levels of the <br />ordinance requirements. <br /> <br />The Chair entertained a motion on Petition C05-06(S) with findings of fact. <br /> <br />E-\ <br />