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<br />A. At the time of development of anv subdivision orovidina less than 35 oercent open soace. <br />no oerson shall destrov. damage. kill or remove anv heritaae or soecimen tree without <br />orior oermission from the County in the form of a condition of subdivision olat aooroval <br />authorized bv the County. The tree orotection reauired under this section shall aoplv on Iv <br />to subdivision infrastructure and imorovements such as roads. and shall not aoolv to the <br />develooment of Individualiots followina aooroval of the subdivision olat. <br /> <br />B. All subdivisions and site imorovements subiect to this section shall be oriented in a manner <br />that allows for oreservation of the areatest number of heritage and specimen trees. as <br />determined bv the County. ' <br /> <br />C. Heritaae trees inciude: <br /> <br />1. Anv Chamoion BiC) Tree desianated bv the NC Division of Forest Resources. <br /> <br />2. Anv tree that would measure 80% of the ooints of a tree on the North Carolina Bia <br />Trees List. <br /> <br />D. Soecimen trees include anv large hardwood fe.a. oak. ooolar. maple. etc.) or softwood <br />f e.a. pine soecies) in good or better condition with a DBH of 24 inches or areater. and <br />smaller understorY trees fe.a. doawoods. redbuds. sourwoods. oersimmons. etc.) in aood <br />or better condition with a DBH of 10" or areater. <br /> <br />E. Where a tree matchina the definition of heritaae or soecimen tree above suffers from <br />decav. cavities. rot. a broken too. leaning. an unbalanced crown. a historY of breakaC)e or <br />other unhealthv characteristic. the County mav determine it is not subiect to this Section. <br /> <br />F. Heritaae and soecimen trees mav be removed. orovided the removal is orooerlv mitiaated. <br />Such trees shall be shown on the aporoved preliminarv olat. and their removal shall be <br />aporoved bv the County orior to commencement of anv aradina or construction. <br /> <br />1. Reoiacement trees must be similar to the tvoe of tree removed: deciduous trees <br />must be reolaced with deciduous trees. and everC)reen trees must be reolaced with <br />evergreen trees. <br /> <br />2. Mitioation mav be achieved bv the establishment and maintenance of reolacement <br />trees at a 1:1 ratio for specimen trees and a 1.5:1 ratio for heritaC)e trees. aoolied to the <br />combined DBH of existing orotected trees to be removed. For examole. a 26-inch ' <br />deciduous heritaae tree must be replaced with at least 39 combined calioer inches of <br />deciduous reolacement trees. Reolacement trees shall have a minimum calioer of 2-V2 <br />. inches. <br /> <br />3. Credit toward reolacement trees mav also be orovided for existina aroups of <br />undisturbed trees whose trunks lie within 50 feet of a oreserved heritaae or soecimen tree. <br />provided thev are at least 6 inches DBH. Such credit shall be calculaed based on the <br />combined inches DBH for the additional trees prooosed to be oreserved. <br /> <br />4. Reolacement trees must be located to ensure that mature canooies shall not <br />interfere with the health of existina trees or interfere with the health of other newlv planted <br />trees once thev have reached maturitv. <br />-3- <br />E -I( b) <br />