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<br />HDtl <br /> <br />\0013898 Flit 138 <br /> <br />023092 <br /> <br />C!BARRUS couw!r Me <br />TILED <br />0710912002 3,23 PK <br />L1JOA Y. KCAB!e <br />R,qi'}'J ~ D..d. ' <br />Sy. , Dopa'rIAl", <br />XXCIS! !AX $300.00 <br /> <br />TO)( P~el No.: p/o 5602.45.8514 <br /> <br />This in'\nunent prepared by and File: David C Williams, Hllrtscll & Williams, PA <br /> <br />Excise Tax: S 300 0"';: <br /> <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br />WARRi\NTY DEED <br /> <br />CABARRVSCOUN1'Y <br /> <br />TH (S DEEP made this L day or July, 2002, by CellO'al Nortb. Carolina Council, <br />lncorponled ofk1. Central North Carollu Council oC lbe Boy Scouts oC Altlel'iCll of <br />CablUTUs Coun~y, North Carolina ("Grantor"), to Cabarrus County,. body politte and <br />politiclll subdivi$ion oC the State oC Nortb Carolina ("Grantee'). whose $ddress is PO BOll <br />707, Concord, NC 28026. <br /> <br />The d~isnatio" aunlot' ;l.Od Om\tce if Ulcd herein ,hall illC:.ludc said p~iC4, their heirs, suo:essors. and lI$sisns, Gnd <br />$h;1l1 include,&uhsr, plural.. ml\$l.'U1ine, reminiilC or neuter a.s rcquirc:11 by con~t- <br /> <br />WITNESSETli" <br /> <br />That the Grantor. for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the receipt of <br />which is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold, and b)' these presents does bargain, seU, <br />and convey unlO the Grantee in tee simple, all that lot or patOel of land situated in No 4 <br />Township, Cabarrus County, Nolth ClU'olin.. lUld lOore partioularly described as Collows: <br /> <br />LYING and being in NUlnber 4 Townsblp, Cabarru. Couuty, North Carolina on the <br />e.,t side oC Bo,y Scout CalOp )toad and the north side of Dove Field Lane, adjoining the <br />propcrty oftbe Cobarrur county Board of Education ood Austin'. Excbange, Inc., and being a <br />part oC property acquired by tbe Grontor in Book 694, page nl Cabarrus County <br />Registry, JUld being more particularly d.scribed as follows: <br /> <br />IIEGINNING al on .;dsHog 1" Iron pipe a eorner of Austin's Exchange, Ine., now or <br />formerly (Book 650, page 78) said pipe being S. 77-58-18 E. 151.88 feet frum. point on lbe east <br />)ide or the right oC way u( Buy Scout Comp Road (near a 5/8" existing iron rod 7.47 (eet orf <br />line); tbenee from the poiot of 1l0l:1nni02, wjlb the 110. of Ao.lin's Exchange, me., N. 12-05-11 <br />E. 375.93 Ceet (passing an existing 5/8" rebor at 158.79 feet and 166.10 feet) to a point In the <br />right of way o( Boy Scout Camp Road. ,aid point beIng S. 71-t9-38 E. 23.44 reet from an <br />existing iron pin on tbe west side of the right oC way oC ,Boy Scout Camp Road; thence three <br />new lines as Collows: I) S. 72-02-47 E. 36.26 feet to a right of way monoment; 2) S. 78-00-03 E. <br />199.20 fcet to a set 5/8" rebar; and 3) S. 24-09-18 E. 656.77 feet to a set 5/8" reblU' on lbe north <br />.ide oCll.. right oC way oCD.veField Laoe, said iron being S. 76.57-42 W. 638.16 Ccet Cram an <br />existing 5/8" rebar; thence with the rigbtofway ofDove Field Lane,S. 7~57-42 W. 411.84 reet <br />to on eXisting 518" rebar in the line of Cabarr.s County Bo.rd o( Edueation. noW or (ormerly <br />(Beok 352, poge 17); thertee witll the Boord or Ed...tion, N. 24-09-18 W. 414.SS rtelto the <br />poirtt oCBEGINNING, cootalnlug6.05 .cres more or less,ns platted and.urveyed byZocki. L. <br />Moore, PLS, June 25,2002. . <br /> <br />Q.~(p <br />