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<br />-3898 mr 139 <br /> <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the .roresaid traet or parcel ofllUld and aUpriviteges ilOd <br />appUrtenances thereunt<!> belonging to the Grantee in fee .imple. <br /> <br />The Gr*tor does hereby covenlUlt that Grantor is seized of the premise. in fee <br />simple, ha& ~le right to 90nvey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clcarofnll <br />encumblllnees, llllU th.tGrlllltor will and defend the title agllinst the lawful cloim. of all <br />pcrsons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinalter statc:<l. The title to the pr~t'ly <br />hereinabove described is S\lbjcct to the following exceptions; <br /> <br />All valid and existing rii!lhls of way, c~ments, and re&trietioOll without reimposing the Samo. <br /> <br />IN WIT/1IESS WH.EREOF, the Grantors have noroun!o sct tl1eir hands and seals, the <br />day and year firstabov~writtCII. <br /> <br />Contra! !'Ionh Carolina Council, Inoorp<lratedllk!a <br />Central North Carolina Council of the Boys Scouts <br /> <br />\\;'IIIHI"'k <br />,<:tll ft.' a to ("" <br />," '\,.,,' ,. " <br />,''I:) ..... '~. . ','. t( ~~.. <br />f"'o. /~i,~" .' ".,~;. .:~ <br />r~fc'r\\,RI\\.\",\ <br />.:"i:".. ,,"; C. :~.: <br />., ~,. ,," "'-- <br />\.;:\ lie ~.~i..,/ <br />, (1 '" - ,"..\. <br />.......V". ,....... .... <br />"1, -C' l' ,..' <br />~'II . <br />,', <br /> <br />~Y~~~~'I' (SEAL) <br />'Harold e Winkler, Jr., msidenl <br /> <br />,,~ <br />OR .. . - i_.'. <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br />..*......~..*...f*.* <br /> <br />NOKTH Ci\ROLlNA <br />CABARRUSCOUN'fY <br /> <br />1 J:"f4..k; I i=; 6onA.~ --' NocaryPublic, certify tilatHarotd E. Winkler, Jr.,Presid01lt <br />of Centra! North Carolij,. Council. Incorporated 8/kJa Central North Carolina Council oflhe Boy <br />ScoutS of America, a North Carolina Corporation. personally came before me this day and <br />acl:rlowlc:<lged thai J,ei. the l'rcsident of Central North Carolina Council of the Boy Scouts of <br />America, a corporation."'o that _he. as !'resident, being authorized to do S<l, CJ(C(:uted the .f~!'1&1?ing <br />on beh.lfofthe eorpot1ilion. ' ;,..,::.):~\?,~!?/0;: '. <br />.~ '\,.......... J, " .'''" '.. <br />WitncSli 1\lybOll~ and official .cat,chi. the 3LL day o~ July, 2002. ,(~{i~~,I~.~ n J';;~~ <br />NORTHCAROLlNA! ~".."", .a.~':<II'ir',' /U;! <br />CABARRVS COUNTY 1ro~~ry Public "'.l'.". - ., . :,..,"" i' <br />My Comm1..iou expires: St;tf~*-i'::'\';'u,/ <br />\ " , "'~I'"" ..,~.:,:..;\",... <br /> <br />I r:r6 ~k i~ f.6a,.d..L-,.NolazyPublic.eertifylhatCrcgGraluun.ScoutExecutive <br />of Centrill North Carolijta. Council, Incorporated llIkIa Central Nonh C"",lina Council of Ihe Boy <br />Seoul> of America, .. North Carolina Corporation, personally came befo!': tne this <Ioy tIl'Id <br />acknowledged that )Ie is the Scout Execulive of Central North Carolino Council oflhe :Soy Scouts <br />of America, a corporation. and that _he, as Scout Executive, being authorized 10 do so, e:xoeuted the <br />foregoing on behalroft/1e corporation. <br /> <br />WilnC$s my han~ and official seal. this th..E.rd... day of July, 2002, <br />.\\\\\\"'1':11""1.,:.' ., <br />~\.\., \d r. A..I,." <br />,l'...:!,."';....;...',:..;. ':.' <br />;$ ,....... ". '::,. 1~ <br />,., ".' ,..' ~ .' ...~ '. <br />.~ 4: \\ 0 . ~ j', r', l,,-; .~ <br />.,J~{~>t. ~~~:~ <br />~ ,. '.,~ U !" , \~.' :.;: <br />'.'~~~"'" ~ -: .....\. . <br />'<.,~~;,cp.\ii~~on Expire" 5/7/~Ob <br /> <br />JAJlA-h1",.J:.. ~ <br />Notary public <br /> <br />.*..,...~.......*... . "'..... <br /> <br />