<br />
<br />4.1 The Owner shall pay the Contractor the Contract Sum in current funds for the Contractor's
<br />performance of the Contract. The Contract Sum shall be two hundred seventy-five
<br />thousand three hundred and thirty Dollars(~75, 360. ODj,
<br />
<br />subject to additions and deductions as provided. in the Contract Documents.
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />4.2 The Contract Sum is based upon the following alternates, if any, which are described in the
<br />c:onlrac.tpocumenW.aI\d are hereby accepted by the Owner:
<br />.!$t:Pr?:,;:me)'ilf.trJk~(fpr:.-?t:b~":~ldentificatjon of accepted alternates. If decisions on other alternates -are to be made
<br />:pY:Jhe:>(io/.i}_~n:s,UP_S_fmU.~~,t::~t,O:the execution of this Agreement, attach a schedule of such other alternates showing
<br />tfe.a";~'g'~iee~~~~d~~lat~ 'tenni~ai ~";;'~T~x~ires.) deduct $ 11 O. 00
<br />2. Elerc:tr<ii,;i$'c control - door #10 add 1,530.00
<br />3. besi':Jn ni"etal building for bridgecraae add 1,630.00
<br />4. Deduct permit fees deduct 920.00
<br />
<br />4.3 Urnt price;,H any, are;a:$jfollows; .........
<br />'-"- - --,:' ....-,.
<br />1 .4"PVCsewerliI1e tOe septic location
<br />2. 1" co,p.per wac""r li:rte'to well
<br />
<br />$12.00/L.F.
<br />$10.00/L.F.
<br />
<br />. '.' - ,~ - '.-
<br />
<br />",-:,.~~,.
<br />
<br />
<br />. ',' .""_~_J. .,
<br />;;-';;;.1"-'
<br />f.::;,r~~~?~;;;;~ ,
<br />
<br />_~~1~t;~~~WrS.Ab~f~i:-. .
<br />\,1\.li~~iCLE'~':PAY't>1B~ifs "",Wi:)"C'r A.i{
<br />:5.1 Pil.OGREsSPAYMENTS, .... 'c.- i'i'
<br />'5,),1 BaseJ.uponi\pplica:lionsforP":}'I1lentstibmitted to the Architect by the Contractor and
<br />C~rtificatesJ6r.Pa)'l!ient issiied by,.the'llidiitect, the Owner shall make progress payments on
<br />,__,--~. ,n:'>: _ - ,:-, ,_,-"".: ':> ':
<br />acc()uj:lt of the Contract Sum to;.th~l3oritra<:1,O~i\' provided below and elsewhere in the Contract
<br />-Documents.
<br />
<br />scn The period covered by each.Al'plication for Payment shall be one calendar month
<br />ending on the last day of the month; Or as follows:
<br />
<br />s;u Provided that anAl'plication.Jor Payment. IS received by the Architect not later than the
<br />fir st. . dayoriamonth, the Owner shall make payment to the Contractor not
<br />laterthan the fifteenth day of the same month. If an
<br />Application for Payment isreceived by theJ\:rchitect afte[lhe application date fixed above, pay.
<br />menlshallbe made by.the.Owner not later than twel ve days after the Architect
<br />receives the Application EorPayment.
<br />
<br />5.1.4 Each Application forPaymentsh,,:ILbebased on the most recent schedule of values submit-
<br />tedbythe Contractor in accordance ,vith.theColltract Documents. The schedule of values shall
<br />~llocate the.entireContractSum,among.thevaiious portions of the Work. The schedule of values
<br />shalFbe piep.ared in such fonn' and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the
<br />-Architectrilayreqt1ire. This.schedule;.'unless objected to by the Architect, shall be used as a basis
<br />for reViewing the Contractor's Applications for Payment.
<br />
<br />F~4-
<br />
<br />1-
<br />
<br />WARNING: Un]iCerised.,photocopVin$t;vlolates.U;S. copyriJl,ht laws and will subject the violator to JeRal prosecution.
<br />
<br />Will
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<br />
<br />g)1997 AIA@
<br />AlA DOCUMENT A10l-1997
<br />
<br />The American Institute
<br />of Architects
<br />1735 New York Avenue, N.W.
<br />Washington. D.C. 20006.5292
<br />