<br />5.1.5 Applications for Payment sh~ll indicate the percentage of completion of each portion of the
<br />Work as of the end of the period covered by the Application for Payment.
<br />
<br />5.1.6 Subject to other provisions o,f the Contract Documents, the amount of each progress pay-
<br />ment shall be computed as follows;
<br />.1 Take that portion of the Gontract Sum properly allocable to completed Work as deter-
<br />mined by multiplying thef percentage completion of each portion of the Work by the
<br />.;:':c".':+"'" ....,.y~h~'e;;)ft.~~..q\11itract SUnl allocated to that portion of the Work in the schedule of val-
<br /><::Y;!'i"W,:,,;..tf(';::~:ii;~~~:~i~~~:,etai~~ge of ifen percent ( 1 0 %). Pending final determi-
<br />. ': ;"jc>',i!i\;;:::<,:!~il'at1~)(!ati'Cl)$t:lo the Owner of changes in the Work, amounts not in dispute shall be
<br />.. -', >.' ',' . .,' - - . '.' ,-:--.:'._.' ,- ,; :::,}. _.-", ;,~,.,"".., .' . -,i \, _", _
<br />indudedas provided in Supparagraph 703.8 of AlA DocuJ"!lent A201-l997;
<br />:2;'ct\.d1r:lJiilV:tdr.tion of the Contract Sum properly allocable to materials and equipment
<br />"'deljvered::and suitably stored at the site for subsequent incorporation in the completed
<br />construction (or, if approved ilJ advance by the Owner, suitably stored off the site at a
<br />loclltion,oagreed uponin wr!tillg)Y;less retainage of ten percent ( 1 0 %);
<br />;l:Subtr~<;:l't~e aggregate-of ptevfo~spayments made by the Owner; and
<br />, ;~ 'Subtr..~famounts,if.<ll1Y' f~r'~hlCh the Architect has withheld or nullified a Certificate
<br />for PaYin"ent as pr6y;i:led iniP~F~&t~ph 9.5 of AlA Document A201-l997.
<br />
<br />
<br />"',\,';:.' ",;' d.:' _ i.:','_'::' :,~',:,':i';:>: -,~;' ,
<br />5.1.7 The progresspayrn'entari1ou4Fdetem;fned in accordance with Subparagraph 5.1.6 shall be
<br />,'furtherii1odifiei:lunder:(he>f6liowi1'j~cfrcull1siances:
<br />.1 . Add,upon Substan~iill COIl1~~etionorthe Work, a sum sufficient to increase the total pay-
<br />(>ments'tu th~fi+n:amo"!1t'i(j~th~dontract Sum, less such amounts as the Architect shall .
<br />,deterniine'fof'!jncol1"!~rete',*orJq,r~t~~age applicable to such work and unsettled claims;
<br />. '..andrSur/1~rttKf?ph J!8~:~f!.1J d~qt€~~~i .4.'OJ-JJ97 requires release of applicable "tainage upon
<br />.. .,5.ubsta~tiaIC~ij,pletjrJ~r;jl:v,i. "lq1iil~e~(j9f surety, if any.)
<br />. '0;;' }!:4dd, \f:fi!ia.F~OI1"!P1~{i'6~ " .,.:'~r~{~;tliereafter materially delayed through no fault of
<br />the %?ritj'a~toriallyaddiW.)~~l.a:m()Qrit~payable in accordance with Subparagraph 9.10.3
<br />of ArADocumentA2pl'1997; . "..
<br />
<br />','-~' .
<br />
<br />"<:':. '.>,",',:,,:-<:"'_":',,::,",-,-' ,i;,:,;',:-:,~",:\::"::,_ .
<br />, . ',5,J:8' ReductiqnorHmifation of ref:\!nage,:if any, shall be as follows:
<br />.'.:'....,..i;-;;(!f~N.:,!{"jnten~e4>,'prjoh~t:Q\~{j~~tanti~:,:B~,,p[jleti6~~,,C{t{*'e entire Work, to reduce or limit the retainage resulting
<br />from "tHe perre~t:,ageirln~ert~d"fin ~Iaq$~{f).l.:~~}(~~~,$;'1.6.2above> and this is not explained elsewhere in the
<br />. .' Contratt,.Dociitifents~'jnj~rt~h~~i:i,..P;d~1${orlJ::fot:.5u2hLteduction or limitation.)
<br />"A.itef 50%'d6irtp'letiQnl:~:f':fhe work in place, retainage
<br />. mai be reduced tci5%-' .
<br />. . .',,_; '.'", '._,~t. 0 ".:'::,'
<br />. ''', ", ":.;::::!,~, ~,;\ ",.r.-
<br />. '0'.:"-"'."
<br />';.':,..:.":.:',..,..........,',;.."
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />. , "
<br />~.( ..i, . :'.'::
<br />
<br />.."S;,bIExcepf",ith theD~Aer';.!>l"ior'~ppr~vilji,.th~.C6titractor shall not make advanc~ payments
<br />\(jSupplierdorrIlat'~rials or equipme~twhich have not been delivered and stored at the site.
<br />. . '-:,,:"',':'-",- :'::A;::'~:' ~"'i_;
<br />.__,~,,:. ,-OJ:.:.".;"
<br />
<br />5;2 ~~~,;~;~:~tcOl1stit~til)g tl1i~hdtJ:;Jri~a'id balance of th~ Contract Sum, shall be made
<br />Ov;llen.t? the Cc!>lltr~ct0i>>,hen:
<br />t~'e'9'Pritractor !i~s!:tii)lY#e~t~l.")lled the Contract except fortheContractor's responsibil-
<br />ityt'&'correct WOl"(as~r&vid.~in Subparagraph 12.2.2 of AlA DocumentA20H997, and
<br />to sati~ry other requi;:~metit$'>>ifany, which extend beyond final payment; and
<br />.,. .2 a final Certificate fOI.":aym~~t has been issued by th~ Architect.
<br />_.__c''.'"
<br />"W.-'; Y';;,:~::..i~', "~'" ~ 0",/",.. ._".': "', ';', ,,:,:~~:,:~'.:t:..-,>:'~>_,':':: '}i1:}:\.'.
<br />
<br />" .,-, .;. , ,,:,__,_,:'-':;.;}j:~';~:(i ':/,:;
<br />',,0'.- ,,:;.,:.';,' '" ,.,_i ,,":;~<':': .... '.... .;.".;".<-~'...::,.",.\l'
<br />
<br />
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<br />I
<br />
<br />A
<br />
<br />Oo'cec.'~<:>
<br />c::::=
<br />C 19 97 A IAII1
<br />AlA DOCUMENT AI01-1997
<br />
<br />The American InstitUte
<br />of Architects
<br />J735 New York Ave'nue, N.W,
<br />Washington. D.C. 20006-5292
<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />
<br />I
<br />