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Kannapolis City Schools <br /> <br />Personal Attention = Outstanding Results <br /> <br />The Kannapohs C~ty School D~strict ~s one ~n which our achons follow our stated m~ssion and <br />goals. As the following ~nformation shows, we have succeeded in providing our students, <br />parents, commumty, and staff with a high quality school system that focuses on what is most <br />important to them. Our five goals m~rror those of the North Carolina Board of Education, and we <br />have been extremely successful ~n making them a reality: 1. High Student Performance <br /> 2. Healthy students attending safe, orderly, and caring schools <br /> 3. Quality teachers, administrators, and staff <br /> 4. Family, community, and business involvement <br /> 5. Effective and efficient operation <br /> <br />High Student Performance <br /> <br />100% of our schools made high academic growth dunng the 2002-2003 school year, <br />which means that students in all our schools not only met the academic goals set by the <br />state but also exceeded them by at least 10%. <br /> <br />100% of our elementary schools were named Schools of Distinction by the North <br />Carohna Department of Public Instruction. They had at least 80% of their students <br />performing at or above grade level in reading and math. <br /> <br />Students at A L. Brown H~gh School posted the highest Physical Science scores ~n North <br />Carohna, and they met or exceeded the state average on nearly all of the state's End of <br />Course subjects. <br /> <br />As a school district, KCS met 90% of the goals needed to make Adequate Yearly <br />Progress (AYP) AYP ~s the measure used by the No Child Left Behind Act to determine <br />whether school districts are helping all subgroups of children succeed. By meebng 90% <br />of ~ts goals, KCS exceeded not only the state and regional averages but also the <br />averages of all surrounding school d~stncts. <br /> <br />KCS p~oneered the Kindergarten through grade two literacy program that ~s now being <br />used throughout North Carohna. Our teachers were among the first to use the program, <br />which helps d~agnose and treat reading problems so young children become successful <br />readers. Last October, former Governor J~m Hunt and representatives from the <br />Department of Public Instrucbon vis,ted Forest Park Elementary where teachers are <br />again leading the state by using advanced technology to help children become better <br />readers. <br /> <br />The Kannapolis City School District also has started a special Grammar and Writing <br />~nitiabve. Currently, the North Carolina Standard Course of Study does not emphasize <br />the teaching of grammar However, we know grammar ~s critical to learning how to read, <br />write, and speak successfully. That is why we are making a special effort ~n Kannapolis <br />City Schools to emphasize grammar. We want to do everything we can to help our <br />chddren become successful students, employees, and c~bzens. <br /> <br />KCS has a strong emphasis on pre-school educabon. Our Head Start program ~s the <br />only pre-school program ~n Cabarrus or Rowan County that has met the rigorous <br />accreditabon standards of the National Assoc~abon for the Education of Young Children <br />Besides our 185 Head Start students, we have our Wee Wonders program. It serves 4- <br />year olds who have not had the chance to parbc~pate in any other pre-school programs <br /> <br /> <br />