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Planing and Zoning Commission Minutes <br />November 20, 2003 <br /> <br />Paqe 3 <br /> <br />contract first approved by the Board of Commissioners before they <br />do any work for us. Mr. Lentz said the consultants have been told <br />to go ahead and set up a contract and start negotiating that. <br /> <br />Text Amendments for Discussion and Recommendation: <br /> <br />Mr. Lentz said the first text amendment that he wants to discuss is: <br /> <br />Add Retail Sales to the Agricultural/Open Space District as a <br />Permitted by Standards use. Suggested standards include: <br /> <br />· Site Plan. A site plan showing the lot and proposed buildings <br /> thereon. <br />· Location. The store must be located with 500 feet of an <br /> intersection and front on an arterial or collector road. <br />· Lighting. The store's lighting shall be shielded to prevent light and <br /> glare spillover on to adjacent residential properties. <br />· Maximum Square Footaqe. Shall not exceed 5,000 square feet. <br />· Signage. Haximum allowable signage is 16 square feet. Must also <br /> meet any applicable requirements of Chapter Eleven, Signage. <br />· Outside Storage. All outside storage shall not be permitted with <br /> the exception of areas for dumpsters: <br />· Dumpsters shall be sited to the rear of the building and <br /> made unnoticeable from both adjacent properties and public rights- <br /> of-way through the installation of fencing and/or vegetative <br /> screening. <br /> <br />He said we have several legal non-conforming uses and when they <br />change, they run into problems. Mr. Lentz said staff has proposed <br />for the Board some standards that they felt like would mitigate <br />potential negative impacts on adjacent residential uses. <br /> <br />After discussion Mr. Lentz said the Board can make a <br />recommendation tonight or study over it for a month - whatever <br />they want to do. <br /> <br />Hr. Hill asked how would the Board go about doing this. <br /> <br /> <br />