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I I <br /> <br />intcr~; in thc ~ports m,~r~t. <br /> <br />comm~ions. <br /> "I'm g~ring ulb ~om <br /> <br /> ~t y~t, i~ ~w mem~ <br />thc ~ntion; ~ ~r, eight n~ <br />m~ ba~ ~i~dy si~ed up. And, <br />a~ ~huma&er, 'om n~ <br /> <br /> C~ ~n to pu~ue <br />mu~ gusto ~ur five ~ ~o when <br />nm.y hllr~lts I~. I~rk~qhig <br />~t~% If~lldillg thc ~),m) <br /> For m~ CVS, gcuing imu thc <br />proc b ~ing o~ <br /> <br />~ fo~ ~ ~. <br /> <br /> Oddbafl event <br /> shines spotlight <br /> on 8chaumburg <br /> <br />where lop lenms compete eac~ fear In Ihe <br /> <br />Small Marlt .l Mr. elinus <br /> <br />mark~ they had react~ m bur bad never <br />heen proactive in,* Davenport saicL <br /> <br />Tod~y, thc ~pom market is <br /> <br />godffoKl's larBest, This y~ar, the city <br />will host 102 spore events attended by <br />57,000 athk-tes and ramses. <br /> Albuque~qu~'; sports potcnti~ was <br />also Iorgely untapped until a sports <br />mnrketing director was hired by the <br />CVB four yes, ts a~. He and his staffof <br />one art responsible for booking 35,000 <br /> <br />room flighu in 2002 - <br /> C_aoastal F-airfidd County added Tolcr <br />m its staffa year ago. Already. he has <br />developed contacts and leads that willC..~ <br />I)rit~ mit mdy ~x'gkmal Iml flalkmal <br />cvems ;() dw ar~, <br /> Three years ago, th,' Panama City <br />· :~ch CV~ did not ranff thc spore <br />market as a viable mgment. Tod~y, it is <br />ranked fifi. b and is one of the <br />Futcrt-gmwing nuu'ket ~'gment~ <br /> I~ breadth ~ul depth make the <br />spore market ~n atmct~ <br /> <br /> Sandard slx)m, su& ~ s~, <br />refill, ~l~ and ~n~, am jmc thc <br />s~n. ~ ~y of~hletlc ~ ~. <br />~m ba~inmn ~d <br />to shewing and ~ling. <br /> *Yt,u'd <br />out ~,' <br /> <br /> ~e <br />~ th~ pla~ by ~plc ~tll I)hysi~l <br />~lc~ ~ ~ ~li~ or <br />whirr ~ke~ and m~balL <br />~m~fifiom <br /> <br /> At <br /> <br />increasing, which has led to more age <br />divisiom and new lords ofenmpcdtion. <br /> I~usc of iu v-a~ty, the spore marka <br />seanu ro ~t every dry in ~omc way. <br /> 'Just about every community h~ <br />some kind of park, and with so n~ny <br />spore, there r~liy is ~omething ~or <br />everybody in this market,' ~id <br />I)~vc. npon. <br /> Si)om ~,ems tend to be f~mily- <br />oriented, making Iha. a grad ,,tach <br />fm smafl ¢Jt~s. Smatler dt~ arc <br />i~n.x, ivcd as ~l~r, t~icr i(, gel an,u.d <br />in ',nd more at~rd.~bl¢. And although <br />smaller cities might not have hprcls with <br />al~ndant meeting F~Uti~ they <br />typically have a good selection of' <br />limited-s~'vjc¢ properti~ which ~pp~l <br /> <br />to the si)ora market. <br /> To youth sports organizcm thc mint <br />importim featu~s ufa hotel am "interior <br />corrido~ f~ee ~ ~ an indoor <br />pnol,' said L~rry Knul~ spore <br />manager for the Spring£~ld. M~., CVB. <br /> <br />Vi. ri&illt~ im'nmm <br /> Incrca.u:d visibility for thc cvcm is <br />another advamagc that a snmR city <br />.ITcrs. '3/dcome <br />marquee, local sports writers cover <br /> <br />cookie baskctN and other girls, <br /> 'Thcs(: events become <br />our town,' said Kraal 'Teams feel they <br />arc very, very wdcome in thc area.' <br /> See Attract, page a <br /> <br /> <br />