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Fage i <br /> <br />Small Marl[et Meetings <br /> <br />Attracting sports marl[et requires <br />proper facilities and local support <br /> <br />CnUMd IMm pale 3 <br /> <br />Booking a sporn event is far different <br />from booking a meeting. For one, drere <br />is no meeting planner. Instead. cities <br />mu~t iden~l¥ spore chic fit ~hcir <br />fadlltlcs and then find local people who <br />are involved with the sport to organlz~ <br />the L%Fcnt, <br />"Thc price of'gettin§ a sports event is <br />taking cbe ~me to understand the needs <br />of thc competition and <br /> y,,t,r fi'e/frS are <br />area has the fight quality of <br />fac,lty,nda tllel'e lei' tile <br />or~,anlzlng committee,," s0id <br /> <br /> in many cases, de local <br /> aPe#'t <br /> ti;ere <br />£mancial bid For an event, <br /> <br />d. oJJars for minor <br />competitions to tens oF <br />thousands of dolhrs for <br />nadonal or international <br />events, <br /> Bure~u~ ~ finding though that <br />sports events m~ke sen.~ because of' <br />thcir impact. <br /> For c~mple, Tolcr ~d he could <br />concci~bly s~nd the ~mc time <br />attracting a ~O-per$on motorcoach tour <br />as h¢ wouJd on a sports tournament that <br />would bring in ]0 times as m~ny room <br />nighu. <br /> Some spore cYcnu arc exceedingly <br />Iow-n,~inr~cn~ncc. Regional and national <br />all-star den tour~ments meant ~00 <br /> <br />get them." <br /> cliffs lmmrt <br /> <br />rcmm nights to Cua~tal FairlJcld <br />with few requlremenu beyond <br />~m ~ ~ ~m~tion. <br /> You~ ~m are <br /> <br />~ a~lct~ ~ ~ ~plc c~l wi~h <br />~m,' mid ~um~. <br /> <br />~ th~ ~m ~p~ly I~ trouble <br />.nd ~vcl wi~h mo~ ~m~y m~. <br /> ~n~ s~ ~, like ~a~ and <br /> Te~ Hame, <br /> hmu~b .m.mditinn.I <br /> ~ru ~u ~o~ <br /> ma~ng unique <br /> ~dliti~. <br /> P~o w~l s~n have <br /> five crick~ pil~ <br /> (Rd~) in o~ puMic <br /> pa~ m~thing <br /> <br />ddm. ~e a~ <br />home ~c for <br />~ T~ C~ct <br />~Jon, whi~ <br />Io~i~ ha~ to win ~e bid ~r <br />~ intemadon~ mu~en~ <br /> Term Haute~ tradition of hover~ft <br /> <br />win im ~d. ~e ci~ ~ off~ tbe <br />~ ~Jce ~r Ju ~nt. a ~m~ <br />~rip mine wi~ ~e ~0-50 spli~ ofo~n <br />la~ and ~tcr tha~ ~hc com~ti:ion <br />~ui~. <br /> In Sp~ng~d~ UL, a n~ arena <br />lllinob Sma ~i~mun~ hel~ t~ ci~ <br />r~ ~e N~ional High ~h~l Rnals <br />~m in 2~, 2~I, 2~ ~d 2~7. <br /> <br />'1.'he arena 'has made us look ac rome of <br />the more niche-market sporting events.' <br />aid Gina Graham, director <br /> Albuquerque is using existing <br />Gcilities in new ways. Thc dty has the <br />largest soccer complc~ west of the <br />M~issippi, which it ~ucc~sfitlly <br />marketed as a coune to the USA Track <br />and Rdd Crma Country National <br />Champior~hips. A video the CVB <br />produced showed what a challenging <br />coum the tiered fid& would be. <br /> Like successful sports [~u, CVBs <br />must be always on the ball, consramly <br />wurkl,tg coward d~cir next victory in the <br />sports market. <br /> "The evenrs are there for the <br />asking." Dav. cnporc sai~. 'But if you <br />aren't rhere to ask, you aren't going co <br />get chem." <br /> <br />Mm'el 2192 <br /> <br />Reliaious meetings <br />prove durable in <br />times of trouble <br /> <br />was proof.of'the religious conference <br />markct~ durability. Attendance <br />incrc.x~'d 7 pcrcen! m'cr 20OI. Of I..17~ <br />attendce~, ~J 17 were nicetiog idatmcr~. <br /> The incrcdsc camc a.,~ im surl,ri~, to <br />Woodring. "Thc religious market is <br />recession.proof.' he said. 'Regardless o£ <br />world afl-alrs, be it war or peace, a poor <br />coon,my, gms! timt.~ ,r Wad. re~igbus <br />cvcms an.. Iht once, that will umtim~c to <br />attract young and old alike.' <br /> <br />&.eld,g ~irlt~! ttt~t~rt <br /> In fact, "when dmes are thc most <br />bl~." ~gio~ confc~ ~ome <br />~ more ~nent, hc uid. "~crc <br />~ ~ddd incenfi~ m ~k spirk~l <br />aou~hm~c ~d support," <br /> M~hou~h <br />pboo~, a~' puuin~ mo~ ~mph~is nn <br />~ ~u~, '~he m~jod~ oF our <br />mem~n arc nm giving iff to <br />W~ng. <br /> ~6ng penally ~r~nc~ the <br />d~biliw of religion ~nfem~ ~ he <br />left h~ o~ at I~ia~l~' <br />~me late one ~nlng in ~rly Jaooa~ <br />j~ ~ ~.~ ~ol~ youth attending <br />a conferee there were dismi~n~. <br /> "h ~ quite a chalkngc in fi,d my <br />~y out.' he ~d, ~th a laugh. <br />He lat~ I~ ~a~ ~nfemnce <br />attenuate ~s up o~r p~io~ y~n. <br />'H~ ~ ~ a time when you <br />w~ ~ink t~t ~nu. ~rticulady. <br /> <br /> <br />