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December 15, 2003 Page 322 <br /> <br />(H-8) ,~m~n,"~t to ~ C~ab~crua Xndust~aJ. Inc~n~Lv~ G~nt P~oC~am <br /> <br /> Mr. Jonathan Marshall, Cormnerce Director, reviewed proposed revisions to <br />the Cabarrus Industrial Incentive Grant Program. These revisions included the <br />addltlon of a small corporate headquarters category, a facility lease provision, <br />a change in the percentage in each category {1.e., Level 1 from 75 percent to 65 <br />percent, Level 2 from 80 percent to 70 percent and Level 3 from 85 to 75 percent) <br />and a reduction in the period for real property from five years to four years. <br />The changes will ~ake the County's program more consistent with the City of <br />Concord program. <br /> <br /> There was discussion regarding the revised program, including the <br />definition of "corporate" headquarters as compared to "division" or "subsidiary" <br />headquarters and efforts to attract small businesses rather than 3ust large <br />industries. <br /> <br /> Coranlssloner Carpenter proposed a provision that would require a company <br />receiving a incentive to refund the money if it falls to meet specific criteria <br />such as the ntumber of jobs to be created and/or if the company goes out of <br />business. During discussion, the Board addressed the potential impact of a <br />"clawback" provision and the need for consistency of the County incentive program <br />with those of the local municipalities. <br /> <br /> UP(H~MOTIO~ of Conr~ssloner Carruth, seconded by Co,missioner Prlvette and <br />unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following revised Cabarrus County <br />Industrial Incentive Grant Program as presented. <br /> <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY INDUSTRIA~ DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROGRAM <br /> <br /> I. OVERVIEW <br /> The econonu%c welfare Of the county is directly linked to the vitality, <br /> diversity and success of its businesses a~d ~ndustrles. Cabarrus Co%mty has <br /> used financial incentives to stimulate development of new industries and <br /> expansion of existing businesses. The original program enacted in 1995 and <br /> modified in 1996 was directly or partlally responsible for lndustrlal <br /> pro3ects that had a substantial economic impact in Cabarrus County. To <br /> remain consistent wlth its intent, it is prudent that the program be <br /> periodically reviewed and modified to account for changes in economic <br /> parameters, effectlven~ss and applicability. <br /> <br /> The County Con~lsslon directed staff to conduct routine review of the <br /> county's incentive programs; recomend changes whenapproprlate; and, monitor <br /> program effectiveness. The input of participating municipalities, the <br /> Chamber of Con~erce and the Cabarrus County Econo, tlc Development Corporation <br /> was sought and received through direct reco~nendatlons and endorsements. <br /> This document reflects amended incentive program parameters adopted by the <br /> County Commission (June 1, 1999 and January 1, 2004). <br /> <br /> Each pro]ect considered under these guidelines shall be viewed Independently <br /> of any pro3ect previously considered, awarded or re3ected by the county and <br /> participating municipalities. A proposed project to be located within the <br /> bo%mdafles of a m~mlclpalltymay he st[b3ect to a different set of g~ldel~nes <br /> set by the City than those applying to award of a grant by the county. <br /> <br /> The Cabarrus County Economic Development Corporation shall pre-screen <br /> applicants to be considered for award of grants under this program. <br /> Applicants will be required to present relevant lnfoxmatlon related tO the <br /> application to the appropriate elected hoard of the Cities and County <br /> Inclusive of details of the pro3ect, its ~mpact and the rationale for award <br /> of the incentive grant (s). The presentation shall carry forward a <br /> reco~endation from the Cabarrus County Econo~lc Development Corporation as <br /> to the award of a grant and specific conditions that should be considered <br /> relative to the proposed pro3ect. <br /> <br /> II. PROGRAM PARAMETERS <br /> The INDUSTRI3~L DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROGRAM ls designed to create a rational <br /> relationship between incentIves authorized and the true eco~omlc l~0act of a <br /> q~allfylng pro3ect. Recognizing that it is difficult to determine wlth any <br /> exactness the actual fiscal impact of a SpeClflc pro3ect, Cabarrus Cotmty has <br /> chosen to use the estimated new taxable real and personal property tax <br /> assessment base created by a pro]ect in determining attributable fiscal <br /> in~act upon the local economy to decide whether a particular project merits <br /> COnsideration. <br /> <br /> Even though the County has chosen the estimated property tax assessment base <br /> as the value criterion for the INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROGRAM, <br /> incentives offered by the County are not considered as allocated from any <br /> dedicated revenue source. Incentives are paid frown the County's General Fund <br /> after appropriate budgetary actlons by the County Commission. The General <br /> Fund conslsts of revenue sources inclusive of ad valorem taxes, local sales <br /> taxes, intergovernmental revenues, permit and fee revenues, sales and servlce <br /> fee revenues, financing sources, lnterest earnings and other miscellaneous <br /> revenues. Other than as establlshed by applicable federal or state law, <br /> revenues have no dedicated expenditure purpose. <br /> <br /> The flscal impact of a project could be evaluated using methods to Include <br /> employment data, wages and beneflts, secondary ]ob creation, business spin- <br /> offs and related factors. Those methods could produce a ~a~re favorable view <br /> <br /> <br />