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December 15, 2003 Page 324 <br /> <br /> three (3) consecutive years in determ~nzng value for grant calculataon <br /> purposes. The beglr~lng date for grant calculataons as to be the date of <br /> useful occupancy and/or productaon startup. Corporate headquarters <br /> deflned as the locatLon of the center of the company's operations <br /> including the ma~ offices for its management and administrative offacers. <br /> <br />· Level I grant - a grant award basedupo~ a prosect's estimated tax revenue <br /> generation value, calculated to equate to approximately 65% of the value <br /> of real and personal property tax revenue value alltlclpated to be <br /> generated by the project. The value for real property investments shall <br /> be calculated based on a period of four (4) consecutive years wath the <br /> value of personal property anvestments being consadered for a period of <br /> three (3) consecutive years in determining value for grant calculataon <br /> purposes. The begl~n//lg date for grant caloulataons as to be the date of <br /> useful OCCUpancy and/or produotaon startup. <br /> <br />· Level 2 grant - a grant award based upo~a prosect's estimated tax revenue <br /> generation value, to be calculated to equate to approximately 70% of the <br /> value of real and personal property tax revenue value antlcapated to be <br /> generated by the project. The value for real property investments shall <br /> be calculated based on a peraod of four (4) conseoutave years with the <br /> value of personal property anvestments beang consadered for a peraod of <br /> three (3) consecutave years an determ~nang value for grant calculataon <br /> purposes. The beginning date for grant caloulataons is to be the date of <br /> useful occupancy and/or production startup. <br /> <br />· Level 3 grant - a grant award based upon the pro]act's estimated tax <br /> revenue generation value, to be calculated to equate to approximately 75% <br /> of the value of real and personal property tax revenue value antacapated <br /> to be generated by the project. The w~alue for real property lnvest_ments <br /> shall be calculated based on a period of four (4) consecutive years with <br /> the value of personal property investments belng considered for a period <br /> of three (3) consecutive years in dete~l~lng value for grant calc~lataon <br /> purposes. The begLr~nang date for grant calcul~taons as to be the date of <br /> useful occupancy and/or production startup. <br /> <br />· Corporate Headquarters Facility Lease Provision - Pro]acts meets_~g all of <br /> the craterla required for one of the grant level categories noted above, <br /> but involving the lease of a new building to be constructed for a <br /> corporate headquarters rather than direct ownership, may be grant eligible <br /> tmder certal~ condatlons. In snch instances, the owner of the building to <br /> be constructed shall be responsible for providing documentation showing <br /> the estimated new tax revenue generataon value for the building and <br /> pe~na~ent fixtures, plus any ellgable new personal property of the lessee <br /> that will generate tax revenue. The owner shall also be required to <br /> provade s copy of the proposed lease with the prospective company that <br /> demonstrates it as at least five (5) years in length. If a grant <br /> awarded, at wall be conditioned upon the owner of the bulldang and the <br /> company exec~tlng the lease that the building(s) will ho~se the center of <br /> the con~any's operataons including that main offices for its management and <br /> ac~ir~istratave officers during the grant period. Agre~raents executed using <br /> this provasaon shall normally be with the tenant but based on the value <br /> of the hulldlng s~nce it will be the primary permanent generator of new <br /> tax r~enue. The building owner may be the recipient of the incentive <br /> grant dependang on the structure of the lease. The agreement may include <br /> an option to automatically transfer the grant if the lessee decides to <br /> purchase the bualdang durang the grant period. The incentive agreement <br /> shall become road, however, if the lessee terminates the lease wlthout <br /> purchase of the building. <br /> <br />Calculations of the prosect grant award shall be based upon anticipated new <br />property tax revenues the county ex~ects to receave fro~ a spaclfac prosect; <br />the a~nual grant award due to the grantee will be paad on or before April <br />15th each year durang the grant peraod subsect to the pro]act's date of <br />useful occupancy and/or productaon startup. <br /> <br />During the grant award pa=lo~, the grantee n~t remain current wath all real <br />and property taxes assessed, other fees, taxes or other assessmo~ts levied by <br />the grantors to remaan eligable for the grant. FaLlure to do so, results in <br />ta~natLon of the grant award. <br /> <br />The coullty will monitor the assessed valuation of the project during the <br />award peraod to assure that the process used to determine the award of the <br />grant re,sins consistent with eStl~ates used. Excessive fluctuatao~s in the <br />estimated project value may be cause for review of the grant Inclusive of <br />modification to the terms of the grant s~bsect to review and action by the <br />Cotmty Co~nlsslon. (It is not Intended that grants and the property taxes of <br />a specific grant prosect equate exactly for the grant period. Additions, <br />changes an real estate valuataons and other factors may impact upon the <br />actual property tax assessment base during the grant peraod. Est/mates are <br />used only to establash a rational lank between a pro]eot and ars economic <br />ln~act upon the county and its cltazens.) <br /> <br />Grants are not transferable and moy not be otherwise conveyed to another <br />party without the speclfac consent of the grantors. <br /> <br />Grantees are requared to provide and maanta~n evidence that the average wages <br />paId to employees associated with a project given a grant ~eet or exceed the <br />existing average wage rate for positlor~s of s~lar employment withan the <br />county's workforce during the grant period. <br /> <br /> <br />