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December 15, 2003 Page 325 <br /> <br />Grants for expansion of exlstang andustrles w~ll account for reductaons an <br />value associated wath machinery and equapment beang phased out, replaced or <br />retrofatted as part of a project. Factors impacting employment wall be <br />evaluated a~d enter 1nrc data--nations Of grant awards. The company~ust <br />agree to the value of the older assets being replaced if new assets are for <br />replacement purposes. <br /> <br />Grants for new projects will only consader estlmated enhancements to the <br />property tax assessment base above those exastang prlor to the project as <br />proposed. <br /> <br />The county shall provide detailed reportlng processes to monitor and assure <br />co~llance waththe te.l~, condataons and other speclfac requarements of the <br />gr~nt award agreement. The grantee shall comply with the reporting <br />requirements during the grant period. The county agrees to maantaan <br />confidentlalaty of information deemed to be propraetary 3_n nature. The <br />grantee shall provide the county access to verafaable grant related support <br />documentataon. Failure of the county to obtaln rec]%~lred grantee <br />documentataon shall cause termlnataon of grant. <br /> <br />The grantee as required to give detaaled Lnfoz~ataon on assets to be <br />considered as part of the grant appllcatzon process, inclusive of antaclpated <br />depreciation schedules, leasing arrangements wlth named parties holding <br />flnancaal interest in assets covered by the grant program, all business Or <br />corporate names that may be applicable for purposes of asset ownershap. <br />Blg~sd releases from those holding financial interests in assets ~ay be <br />req~lred as documentatzon for grant awards. <br /> <br />Rollang stock anclusave of aut~obales, tr~cks, tractors, trailers or other <br />licensed vehicles shall not qualmfy as lasted assets under personal property <br />for purposes of calculating the proposed pro3ects lnvestmant value. <br /> <br />County contributio~s to a specific pro]act's infrastructure costs shall be <br />deducted from the calculated INDUSTRIAL DEV~,LOPMENT GRANT PROGRAM award <br />available for that specific pro3ect. <br /> <br />The grantee shall provide do~entataon an support of the fact that the <br />County's INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROGRAM was an ~_m~ortant factor in 1ts <br />decisaon to locate or expand facilities in Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />IV. PROGRAM ADOPTION, AMENDMENT AND EFFECTIVE DATES <br />Earller INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROGRAM guadelanes were adopted by the <br />Cabarrus County Board of Comm_%ssaoners in June 1996. S~bsequent <br />modifications inclusive of dates of actlon by the County shall be routanely <br />detailed and noted hereto. Applacabalaty of a specific project to these <br />program ~idellnes shall be consistent with latest date of appropriate action <br />by the Board of County Commlsszoners and the date of applacataon for the <br />program. <br /> <br />A pre-appllcataon meeting wzth the County Ccm~lssaon and elected officials of <br />any local munaclpallty impacted by a proposed pro]act shall be held to <br />validate pro3ect specifics and assure that currant grant progra~ncrzteraa are <br />applzcabls. Cabarrus Economic Development, Inc. shall provade a rascal <br />analysas of the project's impact upon the cormm~nzty znclusave of a <br />recommendation from ats Board of Director's as to whether the pro3ect <br />proposal should be consadered for the award of an lncentave grant as detailed <br />wlthan polacy guidelines. <br /> <br />Only specific action by the Cabarrus Cowry Co~ssaon shall be deemed <br />acceptance of terms ina formal contractual grant agreement and by award of <br />an INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT GRANT thereto. <br /> <br />Applicants for the INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT GRANT PROGRAM shall usa these <br />guldelznes In applyang for a grant for new andustrial developmant pro3ects <br />locatlng or exasting ~d~strlal expansions occurring in Cabarrus Co%mty (and <br />applacable caries/towns). These guidelines shall be an attachment to each <br />formal grant award contract approved by the County. <br /> <br />Other specific attachments to the formal agreemant shall include but not be <br />limited to: <br /> <br />· A project a~te plan, brief written description of the project, its scope, <br /> n%uaber and type of er~loyment posataons, phasing and timing of the <br /> development and any other information that would be viewed as ~ortant <br /> in descr~b~g the pzo3ect. <br /> A sudsy ~d legal descrlptlon of the property along with proof of <br /> ~ers~p, O~tl~ to buy or other vezxfl~le interest in the real propezty <br /> associated~th the pro3ect. <br /> A copy of the ~rrent Cowry incentive gr~t ~dellnes. <br /> A copy of ~e partlcxpating ~lclpallty's ~centlve gr~t ~idel~es (if <br /> applicable). <br /> The co~ty ~ax card of record for the property as of J~ua~ 1st of the <br /> year that the project is being considered. (Used to est~llsh the base <br /> value of lnves~ent.} <br />· A copy of the ~st current State of North Carolxna Industrial Incentive <br /> Progr~ ~ldelines (If appllc~le). <br />· Other pertinent lnfo~tlon that ~ght apply to a specific pro3ect. <br /> <br />These ~ldellnes re, in in effe~ ~tll othe~lse ~f~ed by the C~ar~s <br />Cowry Board of Cowry Co~ssloners. <br /> <br /> <br />