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8893 <br /> '{'ha'pmpertl, hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book ?08, Page 320. <br /> <br /> ,a, map shov, m§ the above described property ,s recorded in Map Book __, Page__. <br /> <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel ut'land and all pEvileges end appurtenances thereto belonging m the Grantee in lee <br /> $,,nple <br /> <br /> And the Omntm' covenants w,th the Grantee. thai Grantor ~s s~,zed of the premisea m Fee ,d,npie, has the risht to convey thc s,,mc m Icc <br /> s,mple, that title ,,~ marketable and tJ'ee and clear oFall encumbrances, and that Grantor w,II wanant and defend the t,de agumst the Idwfid <br /> cia,ms ut'all persons whomsoever excelX for the excepttons hereinafter stated. <br /> <br /> Title to the property h,'remabave deacr,bed is subject to the following excepiions: <br /> <br />Subject to all rights of way, restrictions and easement~ of record. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the Gna'or has hereunto set his hand and seal, or if corporate, has caused this ,nstrument to be stgqed m ,I.~ <br />corporale name by its duty authorized officers and ,ts seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of}is Board of Directors. the day and <br />yeur first alx)ve wrtt~t'n. <br /> <br /> (Coquora~eName) <br /> <br />By: <br /> <br /> ~ (SEAL) <br />ATI~A.qlO$ MITSIOS <br /> <br />(,%I:AI,, <br /> <br />Pres,cleat <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br />(SEAL) <br /> <br /> Secretary (Corporate Seal) <br /> <br /> · ,;~. ~- <br /> ~...... ........... :~.. <br />~ .' ~AF}~;.,.~, <br />.-~/~o~ - ...~ <br /> <br />SEAL-STAMP <br /> <br />SEAL-STAMP <br /> <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Rowan County. <br />I. the undersigned, a Noumy Public of the County and State aforesaid, ce~,fy that ATHANASIUS <br />MITSIOS, Grantor. personally np~ ~~s day and acknowledged the execuuon el' the <br />f'ore$omg ~nstrument. W,tnasm my hand/atfd off]cml stamp or seal. this ~125 day o1' February, 2004. <br />My ¢omm,ssion expires. 01-17-2005'~ ~"-'~---~,~-~,..~.'~ Z~._d .~caa ~ ~ Nmary Publ,c <br />NORTH CAROLINA. County. ~'; <br />I. the under,Jig;ned, a Notary Public o1' the Couniy and State aloresaid, certii~,, that <br /> Grantor, persona{ly came bet'om me this day and acknowledged the execulion nl <br />the tbregomg ,ns,amen,. W,tnass my hand and official stamp or seal. this __ day of ...... <br /> <br />My comm,s~,on expires. __ Notary Pubhc <br /> <br /> NORTH CAROLINA ..... County. <br /> I, the undersigned, a Notary Public of' the County and State aforesaid, cem/y that <br /> Gnmtor, personally came before me this day and ack,owledged that <br />he/she is Secretary ot' . a North Carolina corporation, and thai by authority duly <br />given and as thc act of the corporation, thc foregoing ~nsttument was signed ,n ,is ,amc by ,ts __ I'res~dc,lt. <br />sealed with ,is corporate saai and attosied by him/her as its SectetasT. <br /> Wimesa my hand and ofTicial slamp of'seal, this day ut'. ., 211(14.. <br /> <br />My Commission exp,res: Notary Public <br /> <br />NORTH CA.ROLDi'A - ~ABA~U$ OOUNTY <br /> <br />ad. <br /> <br /> <br />