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MAY.04'200¢ 16:05 704 333 0845 <br /> <br />KIMLEY-HORN CHARLOTTE <br /> <br />#4246 P.012/019 <br /> <br />and ^~ciete~, Inc. <br /> <br />Mr. Jonathan ~areill, May 3. 200~, PS- 2 <br /> <br />Sec'state Llebt Industrial._. <br />13,000 SF light industrial <br /> <br />Garage and FueUne <br />No additional trips (assumes re-usc of existing use or similar) <br /> <br />O~c~ex <br />27,900 SF office park <br /> <br />No ~_4ditional trips for 3,000 SF ~xiffing us~ of building/bus garag~ (assum,,s re- <br />u~ of existing use or similar) <br /> <br />8,200 SF fl~x spa~e <br />28,000 SF ,hopping c~nter <br /> <br />Th~ proposal d~relopm~t will utili~ six aec, ess poinm: <br /> <br />· Cabarrus Avenue-- one right-in and one tmdet~rmined <br />· US 601 -- one right-in/fight-out and one full movc, n~t <br />· Union C~nnct~ Road -- two full mov~n~aent <br /> <br />Scope of Services <br /> <br />Task I - Background Data Collection <br /> <br />This scope m~umcs that AM (7-9) and PM (4-6) peak-hour tuming-mov~mont <br />cotmt~ am available fi'om the City of Con.rd or NCDOT at th~ following <br />intcrgections: <br /> <br />* Cabarrus Avenue and Union Cemetery Road <br />· Cabarrus Avenue and US 601 <br /> <br />We will obtain thc available counts and available information on re. mt <br />mmspormtion studim~ in thc immediate vicinity of the project. We will make one <br />site visit to ob~rve traffic op~-Tations and collect backgxound intbrmation, <br />including photographs, Lineage, and traffic control operations. <br /> <br />Task 2 - Capacity Analysis <br /> <br />Using the site plan provided by you, we will perform a trip gcacration analysis <br />based on information contained in fl~e Institute of Tnmsportation Engineers' (ITE) <br />Trip Generation, 7'~ Edition. We will assign the sit~ traffic volumes onto the <br />adjacent roadway netwonk based on thc distribution of existing traffic volumes <br /> <br />P'%MKT%nk~xx ~b~rrus courtly%old ~unU f'air~unda pmpoeal.doc <br /> <br /> <br />