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MAY.04'2004 16:05 704 333 0845 KIMLEY-HORN CHARLOTTE #4246 P.014/019 <br /> <br />and Associates, Inc. <br /> <br />Mr. Jonathan M~hell, Ma)' .1, 2004, P~, 4 <br /> <br />We will provide our services as expeditiously as pnmtieable to meet a mutually <br />agreed upon schedule. <br /> <br />Fee and BlUing <br /> <br />KHA will perform the serviees described in Tasks 1 - 3 of the Scope of Services <br />for a lump sum fee of $9,800. All permitting, application, and similar project tees <br />will be paid dit~tly by the Client. <br /> <br />Fees will be invoiced monthly based upon the percentage of serrices completed as <br />of'the invoice date. Payment will be due within 25 days of the date of'the invoice. <br /> <br />KHA will l~ovide thc :~rvices d~-~ in Task 4 of the Scope of Serv/ces on a <br />labor fee plus expense basis. Labor fee will be billed according to the attaohed <br />rate s~hexiul¢. D/,,~t reimbursable expenses such as express mail, fees, air travel, <br />out-of-town mileage, and other direct experk~es will be billed at 1.1:5 times cost. <br />An amount will be ~d~d to ~h invoice to cover certain other expenses such as <br />in-Muse duplicating, local mileage, telephone calls, facsimiles, postage, and word <br />processing computer time. Adminisuative time related to the project may be <br />billed hourly. Technical use of computers for design, analysis, and graphics, etc. <br />will be billed at $25.00 per hour. All permitting, application, and similar project <br />fees will be paid directly by the Client. <br /> <br />F¢~ will be invoiced monthly based on the actual amount of service performed <br />and exes ~, Payment will be due within 25 days of the date of the <br />invoice. <br /> <br />In addition to the matters set forth herein, our Agreement shall include and be <br />subject to, and only to, the terms and conditions in the attached Standard <br />Provisions, which are incorporated by reference. As used in the Standard <br />Provisions, the t;,i,t "the Consultant" shall refer to Kimiey-Hom and Associates, <br />Inc., and the tom "the Clio~t" shall refer to Cabnmm County. <br /> <br />ff you concur in all the foregoing and wish to direct us to proceed with the <br />services, please have autbod,~d perous execute both copies of this Agreement in <br />the spaces provided be]ow, retain one copy, and return thc other to us. Fees and <br />times stated in this Agreement arc valid for sixty (60) days af0er the date of this <br />letter. <br /> <br />P:VMK'i~nklx~ calxuru$ 'e~mtyVmM c~mty fsirtlnonds pmp~al.doo <br /> <br />F-ts' <br /> <br /> <br />