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MAY.04'2004 16:06 704 333 0845 KIMLEY-HORN CHARLOTTE #4246 P.018/019 <br /> <br />documents without written authox~t~ou or adaptation by the Consultant will be at the Client's sole risk and without liability <br />to the Consultant, ~-_4 the Client ~1,,11 tnd~:~+~, defend and hold the Consultant harmless fl~m 8II cleans, damalms, losses <br />and expenses, inc),.,.4ing but not thnited to attorneys' fees, resulting there/k,m. Any authorization or adaptation ~ entitle <br />the Consultant to further compensation at rates to be agreed upon by ~ Client and the Cousulmnt. Any electronic files are <br />provided only for the convenienc~ of the Client, mul use of thegn is nt the Cltent's sole risk, In the case of any defects in the <br />electronic ftles of any discrepancies between them and hSe hardcopy of the doo_mm,,uts prepared by the Consultant, the <br />hardcopy shall l~overn. Only prinl~l copies of doctenents conveyed by the Consultant may be relied upon. Because dam <br />stored in electronic ~ format can deteriorate or be modified without authorization of the data'$ creator, the Client has 60 <br />days to perform ncceptn.~c tests, si%er wh/ch it shall be deemed to have accepted the data transferred. <br /> <br />(7) Opinions of Cost Because the Conmdtant does not control the cost of labor, materials, equipment or services <br />furnished by others, me~mda of d.t..,,,.~.!-.~ prices, or conlpeti~ b/ddin~ or mn,teat conditions, any opinions rendered as <br />to costs, includin~ but not limited to opinions as to the costs of construction and materials, shaft be mede on the basis of its <br />experience and represent its judgment as an experienced and q-stifled professional, familiar With th~ industry. Th~ <br />Comultant cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids or actual costs will not vat~/f~om its opinions of cost. If thc <br />Client wishes ~mter assurance as to the amount of an), cost, it shall employ an independent cost estimator. Consultanfs <br />services required to brin~ costs wiml- any l~mltation established by the Client will be paid for as Additional Services. <br /> <br />($) Tet~nlnaflon The obligation to l~ovide further services under this Agreement may be twminated by either party upon <br />seven days' written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other pm~y to perfon~ in accordance with the terms <br />he,of through no fault of the terminating party, or upon thirty ~ys' written notice for the convenience of the terminating <br />party. In the event of any termination, the Consultant shall be pa~d for aJl services rendered a~d expenses incurred to the <br />efl~ctiv, e date of termination, and other re~onabie expenses incur~d by the Consultant as a result of such t~m~nation. If the <br />Consultant's compensation is a feted fee, the attqoul~t pa~ble for servic~ will be a proportioned amount of the total fee <br />based on the ratio ofli~ amount of the services performed, as rea.wnably determined bl, the Consultant. to the teal amount <br />of services which were to have been performed. <br /> <br />(9) Insurance ~ Consultunt is protected by Workers' Compensation insurance, professional liability insurance, and <br />i~nernl liability ~tsurnnce nad will exchange certificates of instn~sce upon X~lUeSt. If the Cgient directs the Comultant to <br />obtain increased insurance coveraga, or if the nature of the Consultn~es activitie~ requires additionsJ insurance coverage, the <br />Consultant will ~ out such additional insurance, if obtnirmble, et the Client's expense. <br /> <br />(10) Liability In perforn~n~ its prof~__ional services, the Consultant will use the! degree of care ~nd ~i~i1! ord;,arily <br />exercised, under similar circ~-~mnces, by reputable members of its profession in the same locality at the time the services <br />are provided. No wananty, express or implied, is made or intended by the Consultant's under,ni~-~ herein or its <br />performance of services, and it is a~reed that the Consultant is not a ~duchry with respect to the Client. To the fullest <br />~ of the law, and notwithP,,-,4i.g any other provisions of this At~'ment, the teal liability, in the aggregate of the <br />Conmtltant and the Consultant's officers, directors, employees, agents, and mbconsultsnts to the Client or to an)one <br />.mi~.g by. through or under the Client, for any and all claims, losses, costs or danmgas what. ever arising out et; resulting <br />~om or in any way related to the services under this Agreement from any cause or causes, including but not limited to, the <br />ne$1isence, professional errors or omissions, slrict HabiHty or breach of contract or any wan-anty, express or implied, of the <br />Consultant or the Comulmm% officers, directors, .~,~,ioyees, agents, and subcon.mltanm, shall not exceed twice the tolal <br />compensation received by the Consultant under this Agreement or $50,000, whichever is greater. Under no cire-m.~t-.ees <br />shall the Consultant be liable for lost lxoftts or consequentts! damages, for extra costs or other consequences due to chan~ed <br />conditions, or for costs related to the failure of contractors to perform work in accordance with thc plans and specifications. <br /> <br />(11) Cerfffleaflons The Consultant shall not be requited to execute any certifications or other documents tlutt might, in <br />the judgtnent of the Consultant, increase the Consultant's t~sk or affect the availability, applicability, or cost of its insurnnce. <br /> <br />(12) Expenses of Litigation If IR~ation or arbitt~tion related to the services performed is initiated against the Cousultant <br />by the Clieut, its con~ctors, or subcontTdcto13, and such proceeding con~ludes w~th the eut~ of a ~udgment or aw'd~ <br />favorable to the Consultant, thc CI~ shah reiraburse the Consultant its reasonable attorneys' foes, reasonable experts' fees, <br />and other expenses related to the proceeding. Such expenses shall inolude the cost, det~-~.~.,d at the Consultants norm*l <br />hourly biHi~ rates, of the time d~voted to the proceedings by the Consultant's employees. <br /> <br />(13) DisputeResolutlon All claims by the Cltent ~sin$ out of th~s A~ement or its breach shall be submitted first to <br />mediation in accordance with the Construction hd~lry Mediation Rules of the American A~bitratton Association as a <br />coudJfion precedent to litigation. Any mediation or ci~l action by Client must be conunenced wiR~in one year of the nccnml <br />of the ~ause of aclion averted but in no event later than al]owed by applicable statutes. <br /> <br />rev 2/03 2 <br /> <br /> <br />