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MAY.04'2004 16:07 704 333 0845 KIMLEY-HORN CHARLOTTE #4246 P.019/019 <br /> <br />(14) Hazardous Substances and Conditions <br />(a) Unless stated in the scope of services, it is ahreed that the Client does not t-equest the Consultant to perforlll any services <br />or to make any determkmtions ~vol~ing ~_-~dous substances or conditions, ~s defined by federal or state law. If such <br />services are a~reed to, ~onsnltaut shal! not be a custodian, t~msporter, handler, arrm~er, contra~5~, or rentedi~tor with <br />respec~ to hazardous substances and conditions. Commltanfs sorvices will be Iknitcd to professional anall~ais. <br />mcoxmnendations, and feporti~, incl,_.,4_i-g, when al~reed to, plans and specifications for isolation, removal, or ~diatio-- <br />(b) The Consnllant shall notify the Client ofhaza~dons substances or conditions not contemplated in the scope of services <br />of which the Consultant actually becomes aware. Upon such notice by the Coosul~.% the Consultant may stop at%%cted <br />portions of iQ smwice$ until the hazat~us substance or condition is e~imln~tted. The parties shall decide it' Cons~tmlt is to <br />l~OC~d with its ~wices'and if Consultant is to conduct testinl~ and' evaluations, and the pa~ties may enter into fitrthcr <br />a~eements as to the ~;~ional scope, fee, and tenus for such ~wices. <br /> (c) ]~xcept to the extent of ne~,li§ence, if uny, on thc pat2 of the Consultant in perfor'~n$ ser~ces cxln'essl)' undertaken in <br /> connection with hazardous substances ~d conditions, the Clim~t a~'s to hold bannle~, indemnify, and defend the <br /> Consultant from and a~ainst any end all claims, losses, damages, li~biBty, and co~ts in any waF at'in8 out or core,coted <br /> with the presence, discha~e, release, or e~ape of~dous s~betanecs or conditions of uny kind, or eu~omnental liability <br /> of an)' nature, in any n~mer related to sm-vices of the Consultant <br /> <br />(15) Construction Phase Services <br />(a) If the Consultanfs services ivclude the preparation of documents to be used for construction and the Consultant is not <br />~ctained to make l~riodic site visits, thc Client assumes aH responsibilit)' for intern of the documents and for <br />construction obsetwation, axui the Client waives any claims asainst the Consultant in any way connected thereto. <br />(b) If the Consultant provides construction phase services, thc Consultant shall have no responsibility for any contractor's <br />means, methods, technklues, equipment choice and mml~e, sequence, schedule., safety pro~xams, or safety practices, nor shall <br />Consultant have any atlthoxity or responst'oiUty to stop or direct the work of any contractor. The Cousultanfs visits will be <br />for the purpose of endeavofin~ to provide the Client a l~.ater de~e of confidence that thc completed vaxk of its <br />contractors will itenerally confoml to the construction documents prepped by the Consultant. Consultant neither lpmt'antees <br />the performance of contractors, nor assumes responsibility for any conUactor's failure to perform its work in accordatlco <br />with the contract documents. <br /> (c) Thc Consultant is ~xot rcsponsible for any duties sssit~ned to the dcsislz profossion~t in the construction contract that are <br /> not expressly provided for in this Atlrc~meni. ~ Cliant al~rees that each coniract with any contractor stroll state that the <br /> coutractor shall be solely responsfolc for job site safety and for its means and methods; that the conUactor shall indenmif7 <br /> the Client and the Consultant fo~ all c!slr~ and liability arisin~ out of job site accidents; and that the Client and the <br /> Consultant shall be madc additional insureds tinder the contractor's §eneral liability insm'ance policy. <br /> (I (5) Assignment sad SubeontractJn~ Tins A~recment ~ives no riF~hts or benefits to anyone other than gte Client and thc <br /> Conmlumt, and all duties and responsibilities tmdertak~ pursuant to this Asreement will be for the sole benefit of the <br /> Client and the Consultant. Neither the Client nor the Consultm~ shall assign or Irausfer any ri~ts under or interest in this <br /> Ahreement without the written consent of thc other. However, the Consultant t~-~wcs the rip, hr to aulptwnt its stuff with <br /> subconsultants as it deems appropriate due to project losistics, schedules, or mmtcct conditions. If the Consultant exercises <br /> this right, thc Consnltsnt will maintain the allr~ed-upon bJllin$ rates for services ideniified in the contract, re§ardless of <br /> whether the services are providexl hy in-house ~pioyces, conlract employees, or independent subconsultants. <br /> (17) Confidentiality The Client conscnts to thc use and dissengxmtion by the Consultant of photoS~Phs of the project <br /> and to the use by thc Consultant of facts, data and information obtaiued by thc Consultant in the performanco of its services. <br /> If, however, any fac~s, data o~ information are specifically identified in writi~ by the Client as conftdential, the Consultant <br /> shall use reasonable care to maix~in the confidmttiality of that material. <br /> (18) l~_lscellaneous Provisions This Affreement is to be i~overned by the law of the State of North Carolina. This <br /> Asreement contains the entire and full), integrated aSreentcnt between the parties and supcr~des all prior and <br /> cont,~,5~orsncous negotiations, representations, a~reements or understandinl;,% wbethcr writlen oc oral. This A~comen! con <br /> bc supplemented or amendcd only by a written document executed by both parties. Pro~d~, however, that any conflicti~ <br /> or additional terms on any purchase order issued by the Client shall be void and are hereby expressly rejected by the <br /> Consultant. An), provision in this A~reement that is unenforceable shall be inei~'ecfive to thc extent of such tmenforceability <br /> without in~alidatlne, the rem_~i~in.o provisions. Thc non-cnfo~cemant of any provision l~ either party shall not constitute a <br /> waiver of that provision nor ,*,hall it affect the e]tforceability of that provision or of the remainder of rigs AIp~ement <br /> <br /> <br />