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<br />(12%) per annum, which expenses and interest shall be payable by Tenant <br />immediately on demand therefore by Lessor; and/or <br /> <br />(v) <br /> <br />pursue any combination of such remedies and/or any other remedy <br />available to Lessor at law or in equity. <br /> <br />Forbearance to enforce or waiver or compromise by Lessor of any Tenant default shall <br />not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent Tenant default. <br /> <br />All remedies of Lessor shall be cumulative, and in addition, Lessor may pursue any other <br />remedies that may be pennitted by law or in equity. No expiration or tennination ofthis <br />Lease, no reentry or reletting of the Premises by Lessor as set forth herein, shall relieve <br />Tenant of its liabilities and obligations hereunder, all of which shall survive such events. <br /> <br />22. Construction. Lessør and Tenant acknowledge that each of them and their <br />respective counsel has had an opportunity to review this Lease and it is the product of <br />negotiation. In the event any provision of this Lease is deemed to be ambiguous, it shall <br />not be construed more strictly for or against either party, but rather shall be interpreted in <br />accordance with its fair meaning. <br /> <br />23. Severability. If any provision of this Lease or the application thereofto any person <br />or circumstance shall be deemed illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining <br />provisions of this Lease, or the application of such provision to other persons or <br />circumstances, shall not be affected thereby and each remaining provision of this Lease <br />shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent pennitted by law. <br /> <br />24. Time of the Essence. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, time is of the <br />essence with respect to all required acts of Ten ant and Lessor under this Lease. <br /> <br />25. Commissions. Lessor and Tenant warrant and represent that they have not dealt <br />with any broker or sales person in connection with this Lease. Lessor and Tenant further <br />represent they have not dealt with any other person that would create any liability for the <br />payment of a commission by the other party. The party who breaches this warranty shall <br />defend, hold hannless and indemnify the non-breaching party from any claims or liability. <br />arising from the breach. <br /> <br />26. Notices. All notices, demands, consents and approvals which may be or are required <br />to be given by either party to the other hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed <br />to have been fully given and received upon actual delivery (or refusal to accept delivery) <br />to the address of all parties designated to receive notice as set forth on the first page of <br />this Lease or to such other place as either party shall notify the other party in writing <br />from time to time. Notices, demands, consents and approvals shall be deemed properly <br />given only by: (a) personal delivery; or (b) sent by a nationally recognized overnight <br />delivery service; or ( c) deposit in the United States mail certified, return receipt <br />requested with postage prepaid. . <br /> <br />27. Paraf!raph Headinf!s/Entire Af!reement. Paragraph headings are for convenience <br />only and shall not be deemed a controlling part of this Lease agreement. This Lease <br /> <br />F-/3 <br />