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Youth wtll be cared for Monday-Friday in morning and aRemoon It is extremely <br />important that Cox Mall be open for before school care School at this site will not start <br />until 8 50 a m Most parents need to be at work by 8 30 a m Most parents in the area <br />work unttl 5 p m, so childcare until 6 p m is very important <br /> <br /> Care all day wtll be given on teacher workdays Care on teacher workdays ~s very <br />~mportant to parents in thts area Seventy-stx percent of parents m the Cox Mall area <br />work and most of them commute to Mecklenburg County for employment They are <br />depending on the center being open during teacher workdays Cox Mall's hours of <br />operation Auomast 6-May 28, 2003, Monday-Friday, 6 30-8 50 a m and 2 45-6 00 p m, <br />43 weeks Cox Mall will also be open during the summer months as well <br /> <br /> Cox Mall Ktds Plus will be accepting at least seventy-five children during this grant <br />process The program ~s open to any child attending Cox Mall Elementary School <br />regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability <br /> <br /> Each day children w~ll enjoy ennchment actiwt~es where they wall be provtded w~th <br />"hands-on" learmng including science, self-esteem, diversity, dramatic arts, photography, <br />and foods and nutrition <br /> <br /> Children wdl learn many hfe skills at Cox Mall By having choice centers, <br />enrmhment acttv~ties, outdoor play time, field trips, and cooperative games, children will <br />learn teamwork, problem solwng, cooperation, sharing, commumcat~on, planmng and <br />organizing skills, and self-motivational skills <br /> <br /> Durmg the school year the children wdl put many life skills to use by participating in <br />service projects, becoming 4-H club members and electing officers, offenng free choice <br />of educational centers, and offering fi'ce choice of snack and snack time The center will <br /> <br /> <br />