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work hard on diversity. Cox M~II will be working with children that are limited resource, <br />ethmcally diverse, and have special needs These groups w~ll also be represented in Cox <br />Mill a~erschool program as well <br /> <br />Grant funds will serve approximately 70 families in the Cox Mill school district <br />Collaboration from many different agencies will be useful during this grant process. <br />We will work with Division of Child Development for consultations with Licensing <br />Consultant and will be attending a~y classes necessary to assist with obtaining a license <br />from DCD. Child Care Resources will offer assistance in stafftraining as well as parent <br />workshops, consultations, and use of resource library for curriculum booldets We will <br />also partner with Umted Family Services for stafftraining workshops Staff members <br />will be encouraged to join school-age care professional organizations including the North <br />Carolina School-Age Care Coalition and North Carolina Association for the Education of <br />Young Children for additional assistance These orgamzatlons will be useful in the <br />development and support of the school-age care programming The North Carolina <br />Cooperative Extension Service will also be available to assist with the grant process by <br />offering staff training, activities for the children, consultations and grant management <br /> <br /> Collaboration will be extremely beneficiai for the success of this program Cox Mall <br />will continue to work with National School Lunch program, North Carolina Cooperative <br />Extension Service, Child Care Resources, Division of Child Development, Head Start, <br />area colleges, public school system, and to work with local commumty leaders for <br />expanded learning opportunities <br /> <br /> The following staff are in place at Cox Mill Kids Plus <br /> <br /> <br />