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Leigh Broome, Kids Plus Program Director, BSAC training, Rated License training, <br />degree in Education and Teaching Certificate, 11 years experience <br /> <br />Diane Frank, Site Specialist, BSAC training, Rated License traimng, high school <br />diploma, college courses including School Age Care Programrmng and Child <br />Development I and 1I, 5 years experience <br /> <br />Brooke Ottinger, teacher assistant, GED, enrolled at commumty college for Credentials <br />I and II, vall start to work August 1 <br /> <br />Scott Cimino, teacher assistant, high school diploma, enrolled at UNCC in elementary <br />education, will start to work August 1 <br /> <br /> Staff`will be required to take the following training workshops provided by <br />Cabarrus County Kids Plus and North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service <br />CPR/First Aid, BSAC, P,.LSAC, Playground Safety, Licensing 101, Child Guidance, <br />NSACA Standards, 4-H cumculum, Disaster Preparedness, Administering Medication, <br />Drug Free Workplace and A Safe and Healthy Environment They will be required to <br />have 40 hours oftrmmng during the first four months of employment vath Cabarrus <br />County Kids Plus Within the first six months of lure, employees must begin the process <br />to meet Program Coordinator status by enrolling in Credentials or School Age Child <br />Development courses at a local community college <br /> <br />Cox Mill will be enrolled in the state's Subsidized Child Care program as soon as a <br />license is obtained This site as well as all other Kids Plus sites participates in this <br />worthwhile and very much needed program The state's Subsidized Child Care program <br />has proven to be very successful and needed in Cabarrus County and parents are in need <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br /> <br />