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3 Any requlr(Cment or proh~blbons of any act shall respectively extend to <br />~nclude the causing or procuring, d~rectly or ~ndtrectly, of such act <br /> 4 No prows~on hereof shall make unlawful any act necessarily performed by <br />any officer or employee of the County Parks and Recreation Department (the <br />"Department") or any other employee or agent of the County or the State of North <br />Carohna (the "State") in hne of duty or work, or by any person, h~s agent or employees, <br />~n the proper and necessary execubon of the terms of any agreement w~th the <br />Department, the County or the State <br /> <br /> 5 Any act otherwise prohibited by th~s Parks Ordinance or any local <br />ordinance shall be permitted if performed w~th~n the confines of a properly ~ssued wntten <br />permit to do so, as set forth herein <br /> <br /> 6 Th~s Ordinance ~s ~n add~bon to and supplements the State Vehicle and <br />Traffic Laws, which are ~ncorporated here~n and made a part hereof, includ~ng w~thout <br />hm~tatlon, the requirement that all persons operabng any motor vehicle as defined by <br />State law must have a vahd operators license to operate such vehicle w~th~n any County <br /> <br />Parks <br /> <br />Section 50-2. Definitions <br /> In the ~nterpretabon of th~s and succeeding Department regu[attons or <br />ordinances, the following terms unless otherwise defined there~n, shall mean the <br /> <br />follow~ng <br /> 1 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />"Department" Cabarrus County Parks and Recreation Department <br />"Foot Path or Trad" Any path or trad maintained for pedestrians <br />"Park or Parks" The term Park or Parks shall be deemed to include all <br /> <br /> 3 <br />aspects of any County Park <br /> <br /> 4 "Pedestrian" A person on foot <br /> 5 "Permit" Any written I~cense ~ssued by or under authonty of the <br />Department, perm~tbng the performance of a specified act or acts on Parks property <br /> 6 "Person" Any natural person, corporation, company, assoc~abon, jotnt <br />stock assoc~abon, joint venture, firm or partnership <br /> <br /> <br />